Figure 20

Figure 20 is a line drawing plan of a sidewalk corner with two perpendicular-type curb ramps. Both curb ramps are noted as incorrectly oriented, since they are not perpendicular to the curbs they cut through but are skewed to be parallell–that is, in line--with the crosswalks. Thus each curb ramp has one long and one short side and the top and bottom edges are not parallel to each other. The difficulties of using ramps such as these are demonstrated by 2 pedestrians using wheelchairs. If the curb ramp is entered so that both casters start up the ramp at the same time, then it will be necessary to make a turn on the ramp while ascending, which is difficult. If one caster enters before the other, then the wheelchair will be unstable, with one caster off the ground.

Figure 19      |       Figure 21