BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

China Local time: 12:13 AM

CS Beijing Hosts First Multi-City "Breakfast With China" Video-Teleconference

Lee Boam and Kellie Holloway

On February 13th, 2003 at 6:00 a.m. CS Beijing officially launched the "Breakfast With China" video-teleconference series. The video-teleconference was CS Beijing's first attempt at a multi-city connection, which had an audience of more than 50 U.S. business people across three different time zones in Los Angeles, Denver and Saint Louis. The program was offered in partnership with the U.S. Commercial Service's Export Assistance Centers, who were responsible for recruiting the participants.

VTC EquipmentCommercial Counselor Lee Boam briefed the US companies on the implications of China's entry into the WTO, including important tips for entering the Chinese market. Commercial Officer Kellie Holloway fielded questions regarding the environmental technologies market, while Information Specialist David Snodgrass offered information regarding the Beijing 2008 infrastructure projects. The briefing received positive feedback, with several participants requesting a copy on video. CS Beijing has already booked "Breakfast With China" video-teleconferences through May. Interested companies should contact their nearest Export Assistance Center to schedule a briefing.

Lee Boam videoconference briefing