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H3 - Honolulu, Hawaii Excellence in Highway Design

This program is conducted biennially by the Federal Highway Administration to encourage excellence in the design of highway- related facilities and to recognize projects that contribute effectively to a more pleasing highway experience.

The Excellence in Highway Design Biennial Awards is a national program conducted by the Federal Highway Administration to honor teams that use the best of design processes to develop and implement highway projects that demonstrate superior practices and principles of the industry. In honoring these projects, those practices and principles that elicit such high quality results are highlighted, and the application of them may be cultivated on future efforts such that excellence will become the norm.

Highway Design is a distinct discipline that is more than just the geometry and spatial arrangement of a roadway, but is the activity where all the diverse elements of a project coalesce into a unified whole. The skillful designer will plan a roadway project deliberating about the varied short and long-term consequences of design choices, including the consequences on safety, traffic, resources, and context. The skillful designer also seeks input from varied stakeholders and incorporates context sensitive solutions (CSS) using collaboration, creativity, and innovation to find results that balance competing project needs to develop the transportation facility in a manner consistent with the values of the community.

The nomination period for the 2008 Excellence in Highway Design Biennial Awards will begin began January 14, 2008, and the final date for submissions will be onwas March 1, 2008. New this year is a requirement that each nomination will require the endorsement of the sponsoring FHWA division or federal lands office to provide additional assurance of the quality of the awards and worthiness of the recipients. Please follow the link for 2008 to find specific information about the nomination process. The awards will be announced at the AASHTO annual meeting in October, 2008, and presented locally by the appropriate FHWA division or federal lands office.


Current awards program:

Previous awards program results:

  • Excellence in Highway Design Awards
       (1996) (1998) (2002) (2004) (2006)

  • U.S. Department of Transporation Design for Transportation National Awards


  • For additional information contact: Ms. Brooke Struve, Office of Program Administration (HIPA). She may be reached by telephone at (202) 366-1317; by fax at (202) 366-3988; or by e-mail at

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