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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Objectives and Approach
Chris Walter's Research
Gayle Volk's Research
Leigh Towill's Research
Chris Richards' Research

Plant Germplasm Preservation Research

collage of pictures depicting tissue culture research

"Developing strategies and technologies to preserve
plant genetic diversity in ex situ genebanks."
Banding pattern for microsatellite markers in wild rice are used to genotype individuals.Cooling rates of embryos are calculated  from size and water content using heat transfer models.Winter buds from apple trees can be cryopreservedQuantitative traits of wild populations of beet are measured and will be compared with diversity measured from genomic data.Winter buds, retrieved from liquid nitrogen storage are grafted onto root stock. Volatile molecules produced from seeds during storage are sampled using gas chromatography.Cell structures of mint shoot tip follow cryoexposure show that leaf (L) and cortex (C) cells are plasmolyzed, but meristem (M) cells are intact.

Last Modified: 08/08/2007
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