[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 49, Volume 5]
[Revised as of October 1, 2002]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 49CFR801.10]

[Page 1176]
                        TITLE 49--TRANSPORTATION
                              SAFETY BOARD
                        Subpart B--Administration
Sec. 801.10  General.

    (a) The Director, Bureau of Administration, is responsible for the 
custody and control of all Board records required to be preserved under 
directives of the General Services Administration, issued pursuant to 44 
U.S.C. 3102.
    (b) The Director, Bureau of Administration, shall be solely 
responsible for the initial determination of whether to release records 
within the 10 working days' limit, or the extension specified in the 
Freedom of Information Act.
    (c) The Public Inquiries Section, Bureau of Administration, shall:
    (1) Maintain for public access and commercial reproduction all 
accident files containing aviation and surface investigator's reports, 
factual accident reports or group chairman reports, documentation and 
accident correspondence files, transcripts of public hearings, if any, 
and exhibits.
    (2) Maintain a public reference room (with self-service duplicator) 
and, on request, permit the public to inspect public documents during 
normal working hours.
    (3) Maintain copies of public documents, specified in the appendix, 
for inspection and copying in the public reference room.
    (d) Requests for documents must be addressed to the Public Inquiries 
Section, National Transportation Safety Board, Washington, DC 20594. All 
requests must reasonably identify the record requested, must be 
accompanied by the fee or agreement (if any) to pay the reproduction 
costs shown in the fee schedule (see appendix), and must contain the 
address and telephone number of the person making the request. The 
envelope in which the request is sent should be marked prominently with 
the letters ``FOIA.'' The Bureau of Administration, if there is a 
failure to comply fully, will attempt to contact the requester 
immediately to rectify the omission. However, the 10-working-day limit 
for processing shall not commence until the Bureau of Administration 
receives a totally correct request.
    (e) The field offices of the Board shall not maintain, for public 
access, records maintained by the Bureau of Administration. If requests 
are made to field offices, advice will be promptly given as to how to 
make such requests.
    (f) The Bureau of Administration shall maintain a contract with a 
commercial reproduction firm to accommodate requests for reproduction of 
accident records. The reproduction charges may be subject to change with 
each contract renewal.
    (g) Requests for documents generated by other agencies or entities 
will not be processed unless they are contained in the Board's accident 
    (h) Requests for records not yet issued will be held in abeyance 
until issuance and then processed. The person making the request will be 
so notified.
    (i) No charge will be made by the Board for notices, decisions, 
orders, etc., required by law to be served on a party to any proceeding 
or matter before the Board.
    (j) Upon approval of the Director, Bureau of Administration, 
subscriptions to Board publications may be entered without charge for 
States, organizations, or other entities specified in the fee schedule 
set forth in the appendix.