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China Local time: 06:49 AM

China Earthquake Relief: Rebuilding Schools Sustainably webinar

Venue: Your Computer
Date: September 22, 2008, 5:30-6:45 pm PT
Learn more/register:/

The China Business Information Center of the US Department of Commerce is hosting a China Earthquake Relief: Rebuilding Schools Sustainably webinar on September 22, 5:30 pm PT. This live internet briefing explores the Sichuan earthquake reconstruction activities and how American businesses can best help China rebuild. Learn about current recovery and reconstruction priorities, what the US Government has done to date, how architecture, construction and engineering firms can best approach the market, and how a Design Team is making headway in helping China Rebuild Schools Sustainably. Featuring the US Commercial Service, Chengdu and the China-U.S. Center for Sustainable Development with invited officials from US TDA and USAID. Register to join the program live and/or view a recording later at your convenience. For more information go to