U.S. Census Bureau
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Dog Wins Military Medal

October 24, 2008

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Profile America — Friday, October 24th. It may seem strange, but it really happened. On this day in 1943, the distinguished service medal was awarded to Chips — a half husky, half shepherd dog, donated to the war effort by his owners in Pleasantville, New York. Chips was part of the 3rd Infantry Division during its landing in Sicily. His citation notes his “courageous action in single-handedly eliminating a dangerous machine gun nest and causing surrender of the crew.” Four months later, the medal was rescinded when the War Department issued regulations prohibiting the award of such decorations to animals. Not all dogs may be so brave, but they are all loved by their owners. More than a third of U.S. households have dogs — many of them own two. You can find these and more facts about America from the U.S. Census Bureau online at <www.census.gov>.

Sources: Famous First Facts, 1664
Statistical Abstract of the United States 2008, t. 1214

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  Broadcast &amp; Photo Services  |  Page Last Modified: September 25, 2008