BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

China Local time: 07:01 PM

International Partner Search (IPS)

Exporters! Qualified representatives are out there and our International Partner Search (IPS) Service can help you find them.

Looking for representatives in China to expand your business and boost your export sales? We will locate, screen, and assess potential qualified overseas sales representatives, agents, distributors, joint venture partners, licensees, franchisees or strategic partners for your products or services.

If your firm is small or new to exporting, or if you don't have resources for research or overseas travel, this service provides an easy, economical, quick-access opportunity to enter the burgeoning China market.

You will receive information on up to six potential agents or distributors, screened from a large pool of candidate firms. Turn-around time is no more than 30 working days after we receive your company's product literature. Our Embassy and Consulate staff create research exclusively from the most up-to-date information.

A trade specialist will verify your product's marketability, help you prepare product literature packages, and assist you in sending your product information to us or to other markets. China is a regionally diverse market, so make sure to order a separate IPS for each region: Northern and Central China (Beijing), Eastern China (Shanghai), Northeastern China (Shenyang), Southern China (Guangzhou), and Southwestern China (Chengdu).

In conducting an IPS search, we try to serve our U.S. client well by casting our net broadly. Please note that even if we do not contact existing agents in China, they are still likely to learn of our search. Therefore, under no circumstances can we promise confidentiality or guarantee that an existing agent will not know about the search. In fact, we strongly advise our IPS clients to tell their existing representatives up front. Please consider this policy before deciding whether to proceed with the IPS.


  • 51% of each product line must be U.S. content.
  • twenty sets of your product brochures and twenty one-page letters of introduction on your company letterhead targeted to introduce your company and product
  • tell us if you a already have representation in China(see note above).

tell us if you already have representation in China (see note above).

Cost-effective: For more fee information, please click here.

If you plan a visit to China, you may also be interested in our Gold Key Service which arranges appointments with prospective agents and distributors and key government officials responsible for your industry.

To request this service, please contact your nearest U.S. Commercial Service Export Assistance Center, call 1-800-USA-TRADE, or email us at .