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Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center

Ridge-to to-Reef

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Ridge-to to-Reef: Hanalei Investigations

PIERC Project Leader: Jim Jacobi, Ph.D. (w/ Pat Chavez, Mike Field, Barry Hill and Jon Stock)

Hanalei - Learning about clean water Objectives:
Star  Evaluate reef and watershed ecosystems for pollution sources, transport, and causes
Star  Develop erosion-sedimentation and water quality models that link terrestrial and marine ecosystems
Star  Conduct comparison of Hanalei Bay marine benthic communities between 1994 and 2004

Star  Acquired and evaluated > 5,300 aerial images of watersheds and reefs
Star  Operated stream gage with sediment sampler (Station # 16103000 at
Star  Evaluated coral recruitment in the outer bay compared to locations in the inner bay
Star  Initiated marine sedimentation measurements in this LAS site

Star  Sedimentation processes are assessed relative to environmental conditions and land management within the watershed
Star  Implemented in coordination with the Hanalei Heritage River Huiand USCRTF. Huisteering committee includes USGS, EPA, Forest Service, State Dept. of Health, and community stakeholder groups including local businesses, taro farmers and native Hawaiians

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Page Last Modified: Friday, Dec 1, 2006