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Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center

Ridge-to to-Reef

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Ridge-to to-Reef: American Samoa Pilot Study

PIERC Project Leaders: Carter Atkinson, Ph.D. and Arthur Medeiros, Ph.D

American Samoa gathering food on reef Objectives:
Star  Identify a network of watersheds on the main islands that can be used for long term investigations of the effects of terrestrial land use and resource management on water quality, erosion, sedimentation, and point source pollution on coral reef biodiversity and health

Star  Met with partners and stakeholders
Star  Visited sites on main island of Tutuila
Star  Identified incipient and established invasive trees (Falcateriaand Psidium) that may affect forest succession and watershed function
Star  Identified potential research opportunities and collaborations for USGS

Star  Pollution, urban development, erosion, and habitat degradation from invasive species can impact watersheds and coral reefs
Star  Collaborators include USCRTF / Am.SamoaCoral Reef Advisory Group, NPS, FWS, Am.SamoaDept of Marine and Wildlife Resources, EPA, Am.SamoaCommunity College, Am.SamoaDept of Commerce and Am.SamoaDept of Health

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Page Last Modified: Friday, Dec 1, 2006