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Location: Animal Improvement Programs

2007 Annual Report

1a.Objectives (from AD-416)
To maintain a high standard of integrity in data collection systems providing data for the National Dairy Genetic Evaluation Program (GEP) database; to provide data to AIPL for use in research and education, including the development of effective procedures for estimating the genetic merit of dairy animals; to provide data and summaries of information to research and extension personnel, and to others for educational purposes as appropriate; to improve the genetic merit and production efficiency of U.S. dairy cattle; and to enhance the world market competitiveness of the U.S. dairy industry.

1b.Approach (from AD-416)
AIPL shall: (1) Maintain the GEP database; (2) Consult with CDCB regarding quality standards for data submitted to the GEP; (3) Accept data into the GEP database from Cooperators approved by the CDCD; (4) Utilize the GEP database and effective analysis procedures to estimate and periodically publish the genetic merit of dairy animal; and (5) Publish and distribute their research findings.

The CDCB shall: (1) Establish quality standards for data submitted to the GEP in consultation with AIPL; (2) Accept, as Cooperators, organizations that agree to: (a) Comply with the quality standards of the GEP; (b) Conduct a quality control program to ensure the integrity of the data they submit; and (c) Participate in the audit program established by the CDCB; (3) Routinely review the audit program to ensure its effectiveness; and (4) Provide to AIPL a list of Cooperators in compliance with the quality standards of the GEP.

3.Progress Report
This report documents research conducted under a specific cooperative agreement between ARS and the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB; Reynoldsburg, OH). Additional details of research can be found in the report for the parent project 1265-31000-085-00D, "Improving Genetic Prediction of Economic Merit of Dairy Animals". Research conducted under the agreement is related to all of that project's objectives. Monitoring activities for the project included e-mail and phone conversations with CDCB organizations to review data quality and attendance by two Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory (AIPL) researchers at two CDCB meetings in Milwaukee, WI. At those meetings, CDCB reviewed program status for Quality Certification Services (QCS), which audits performance of dairy service providers. Online and site reviews for data quality were conducted by QCS; change from provisional to certified status for a data contributor was mediated through conference calls between QCS and AIPL. The AIPL test-herd data continued to be used to compare procedural differences among dairy records processing centers. The national dairy database was maintained with data provided by processing centers (yield, health, pedigree, and reproduction), breed registries (pedigree), and artificial-insemination organizations (pedigree and reproduction). Enhancements included.
1)eliminating milk-component values when all cows in a herd have the same value,.
2)accommodating international breed codes for red dairy cattle,.
3)storing official Animal Identification Numbers,.
4)consistently reporting lactation records that start or end with an abortion,.
5)identifying breedings with sexed semen,.
6)including international evaluations for Holstein daughter pregnancy rate, and.
7)eliminating duplicate records for Red-and-White bulls. Genetic evaluations for 19 million dairy cattle for yield (milk, fat, protein, and component percentages) and fitness (mastitis resistance, longevity, conformation, and reproduction) traits and economic indexes were calculated and made available electronically through the AIPL web site in November 2006 and February, May, and August 2007 to the dairy industry worldwide for direct use in purchasing superior semen, embryos, and animals. In conjunction with quarterly evaluations, multinational bull evaluations and conversion formulas between the United States and 27 countries were computed in cooperation with the International Bull Evaluation Service and also made available on the AIPL web site. Graphic displays of phenotypic and genetic trends for milk, fat, and protein yields; somatic cell score; productive life; and daughter pregnancy rate also were updated on the AIPL web site in conjunction with quarterly evaluations. Calving-ease and stillbirth evaluations for bulls were released in February and August 2007 to the National Association of Animal Breeders for distribution to the dairy industry. Scientific manuscripts (15), scientific abstracts (14), conference presentations (2), and popular press articles (62) related to the National Dairy Genetic Evaluation Program were published.


Project Team
Norman, H - Duane
Project Annual Reports
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Last Modified: 11/08/2008
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