U.S. Census Bureau



Fertility and Socioeconomic Characteristics

March 1995 Economics and Statistics Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce

In summer 1993, the Nation had 36 million mothers 15 to 44 years old; 3.8 million of them (10 percent) were receiving AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) payments to help with the rearing of 9.7 million children. (An additional 0.5 million women over 45 years old and 0.3 million fathers living with their dependent children also received AFDC.)

This Brief examines fertility and socioeconomic characteristics of mothers in their childbearing years (aged 15 to 44) who received AFDC and compares them to mothers of those ages who were not receiving payments. The statistics were collected in the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) between June and September 1993.

Graph of percent Distribution of mothers on AFDC, by maritial

Mean age at first birth among mothers, by current AFDC status
and current age

AFDC mothers are younger.

AFDC mothers have more children.

Graph Number of births per 1,000 mothers, by current AFDC status
and current age of mother

The chances of receiving AFDC payments differ by race and Hispanic origin, but not the nativity of the mother.

Nearly one-half of AFDC mothers have never been married.

Almost half of AFDC mothers do not have a high school diploma.

Most AFDC mothers are jobless ....

.... and have very low family incomes.

Most AFDC mothers reside in central cities ....

.... and 1 in 5 live in a Pacific Coast State.

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AFDC mothers -
Amara Bachu (301-457-2449) or
Martin O'Connell (301-457-2416):
send email: moconnel@census.gov

This Brief is one of a series that presents information of current policy interest. It may include data from businesses, households, or other sources. All statistics are subject to sampling variability, as well as survey design flaws, respondent classification errors, and data processing mistakes. The Census Bureau has taken steps to minimize errors, and analytical statements have been tested and meet statistical standards. However, because of methodological differences, use caution when comparing these data with data from other sources.

AFDC Mothers Versus Non-AFDC Mothers (table)

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
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Last Revised: September 13, 2000 at 02:44:22 PM