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Business Service Provider Directory

F. Peña, Duclaud y Asociados, S. C.

Legal solutions for today's global business

Contact: Fernando Duclaud Leroux, Socio

Insurgentes Sur 826 piso 12
Torre Hérnicor, Col. Del Valle
C.P. 03100 México, D. F.

Phone: 52 55 56 69 33 73
Fax: 52 55 56 69 21 45

F. Peña, Duclaud y Asociados, S.C. is a law firm staffed by experienced and culturally diverse attorneys, skilled at helping our clients navigate the complex regulatory maze of the Mexican and American legal systems. In connection with launching a business, subsidiary, or affiliate in Mexico, several considerations demand attention. We assist in areas such as foreign investment, international business transactions, immigration, patent and trademark law, and debt collection. Investing abroad can be a wise decision, but it must be complemented by various areas of legal and commercial expertise. F. Peña, Duclaud y Asociados, S.C. has proudly provided quality legal services and business consulting since 1945.