Anthropometric data elements

Figure 2-1a: Anthropometric data elements


There are three graphics depicted. Two of them are side views of individuals: one standing and one sitting. The third is a front view of the individual sitting. The fisures are labled with the following values.A= Standing Height measuring from top of the head to the floor.B= Sitting Height is the measure from the top of the head to the seat.C= Shoulder Height is the measure from the shoulder to the seat.D= Upper Leg Length is the measure from the back of the seat to the individual’s knee.E= Knee Height is the measure from the top of the knee to the floor.F= Seat Length is the measure from the back of the seat to the front of the seat.G= Seat Height is the measure from the seat to the floor.H= Seat Width is the measure of from one side to the other of he seat.I= Elbow Height is the measure from the elbow to the seat.J= Elbow Room is the measure of the space from the outside of one elbow to the outside of the other elbow.K= Shoulder Breadth is the measure from the out side of one shoulder to the outside of the other.L= Hip Circumference is the measure around the hips of the individual.

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