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Laura B. Senior

Biological Science Lab Technician (Biochemistry)

Laura B. Senior


Phone: 406.433.9498
Fax: 406.433.5038


Additional Page: Publications*
*Taken from the Agricultural Research Information System (ARIS) database.





B.A. Botany/Chinese/History and Sociology of Science

   1978 Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

M.S. Botany

   1981 Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC


Laura joined ARS in 1999 as a part-time research assistant in molecular biology. Her primary duties concerned noxious weed research. In 2000, Laura became a biological science research technician working with Dr. Gregory Sword. For over five years, she assisted Dr. Sword with his multi-faceted research in insect ecology with the bulk of her time dedicated to projects using molecular methods. Since late 2006, Laura has been working with Dr. Robert Srygley, assisting him with research projects targeting Mormon Cricket biology that have an emphasis on insect immunology.

Prior to joining ARS, Laura has had a diverse career, including stints at the Department of Defense, in various business endeavors and in biological research. Her prior experience in agricultural research includes several years as a technician at North Carolina State University.

At NCSU, she worked in two different research programs, nematology (plant pathology) and tissue culture of soybean and pine (botany). At the University of North Carolina, Laura’s research for her master’s degree concerned the life history and mycorrhizal relationship of a native terrestrial orchid, Tipularia discolor, the Crane Fly Orchid.



  • Sword, G.A., Joern, A., Senior, L. 2005. Host Plant-Associated Genetic Differentiation in the Snakeweed Grasshopper, Hesperotettix Viridis (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Molecular Ecology. 14(7):2197-2205.

  • Sword, G.A., Senior, L. More Trouble for Grasshopper Molecular Systematics: Intraindividual Variation in Both Mitochondrial and Nuclear Ribosomal DNA Sequences. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. 2002. Paper No. D0489.


Last Modified: 10/14/2008
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