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Aerospace Europe Links

Commercial Service France Aerospace Industry page A web page maintained by the U.S. Commercial Service in France with a focus on the aerospace sector.

The Aerospace and Defense e-Market Express A monthly listing of recent research reports and business opportunities puiblished monthly by the U.S. Commercial Service Aerospace Team.

U.S. Department of Commerce Office of Aerospace homepage The U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Office of Aerospace in Washington, DC, works on aerospace trade agreements, reports on industry developments, seeks to neutralize trade constraints, and works with U.S. aerospace firms on international marketing efforts - including the sponsoring of trade events to increase market opportunities.

DG Enterprise - Aerospace The European Commission's official EU Aerospace web site maintained by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Enterprise.

Links to web sites outside the U.S. Government or the use of trade, firm, or corporation names within U.S. Commercial Service web sites are for the convenience of the user. Such links and use do not constitute an express or implied official endorsement or approval by the United States Department of Commerce of any private sector web site, or of the products or services of specifically identified companies or entities.