A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Dept. of ED




60.gif (48 bytes) Education Secretary         Richard Riley + friend


The Reading Summit
U.S. Department of Education

Welcome to the U.S. Department of Education's Reading Summit web site.

The Department hosted the national Reading Summit in Washington, DC on September 18 - 19, 1998. The Summit gathered over 500 education leaders from across the country to focus on the urgent need to increase child literacy in America, including improvements in the teaching of reading.

The Summit was based on the National Research Council's 1998 landmark report, "Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children," which calls for an end to the "reading wars" and for specific actions, from early childhood through elementary school, to boost reading achievement.

The Summit convened experts from many disciplines, who participated in dialogues and prepared to spark positive and lasting change in their communities. Participants included: state policymakers, teachers, parents, principals, superintendents, state legislators, higher education representatives, reading specialists, special education and bilingual coordinators, Title I personnel, school board members, early childhood specialists and child care providers.


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This page last modified -- January 25, 1999 (saw)