U.S. Census Bureau

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

DSEP Committee

Data Stewardship Executive Policy Committee

The Census Bureau maintains an unwavering commitment to protect the confidentiality of your information. The Data Stewardship Executive Policy Committee ensures the Census Bureau maintains its commitment, by fulfilling the legal, ethical, and reporting obligations levied by the Title 13 of the U.S. Code, the Privacy Act, and other applicable statutes, including those of governmental and other suppliers of data to the Census Bureau.

The Data Stewardship Executive Policy Committee serves as the focal point for decision-making and communication on policy issues related to privacy, security, confidentiality and administrative records. It oversees the activities of several staff committees that focus on these important issues.

The Data Stewardship Executive Policy Committee acts on behalf of the full Executive Staff in setting policy and making decisions on policy-related matters within the scope of this Committee.


  • Deputy Director (Chair)
  • Associate Director for Decennial Census
  • Associate Director for Demographic Programs
  • Associate Director for Economic Programs
  • Associate Director for Field Operations
  • Associate Director for Information Technology
  • Associate Director for Methodology and Standards
  • Chief Privacy Officer

The Chair will invite others to participate in meetings as topics warrant.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau