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United Arab Emirates Local time: 07:36 PM

Contract / Grant details - Iraq

Companies that wish to register their interest in becoming sub-contractors or vendors to contracts that have been awarded would need to contact the company awarded directly. Contracts/grants awarded thus far:


Capital Construction:
Bechtel Corporation
50 Beale Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-1895
Tel: 415-768-1234
Fax: 415-768-9038
Value: $34.6 million initially, up to $680 million over 18 months.
Awarded on: April 17, 2003
Awarded by: USAID
Press Release
For update on contract click here .

If you are interested in registering as a supplier or contractor, or have procurement-related questions, please visit Bechtel's Supplier and Contractor portal.

For information on tendering or insurance for the Reconstruction of Iraq, please go to Contractor-supplier materials on the Bechtel site.

Emergency Oilfield Repair:
4100 Clinton Drive
Houston, TX 77020
Tel: 713 676 3011
Value: $7 billion
Awarded by: USACE
For more information: click here .

Seaport Administration:
Stevedoring Services of America
1131 SW Klickitat Way
Seattle, WA 98134
Tel: 206-623-0304
Fax: 203-623-0179
Value: $4.8 million initially
Awarded on: March 24, 2003
Awarded by: USAID
Press Release
For update on contract click here .

Primary and Secondary Education:
Creative Associates International Inc. (CAII)
Washington, D.C.
Value: $1 million initially, up to $62.6 million over 12 months.
Awarded on: April 11, 2003
Awarded by: USAID
Press Release
For update on contract click here .

Personnel Support:
International Resources Group
1211 Connecticut Avenue, NW ยท Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: 202-289-0100
Fax: 202-289-7601
Value: $7 million (90 days, with two additional 1-year option periods, which may be ordered by USAID)
Awarded on: February 7, 2003 with an effective date of February 5, 2003
Awarded by: USAID
Press Release
For update on contract click here .
Contact - office:
Cynthia Pflugh: 202-289-0100
Paul Liberty: 202-289-0100

Local Governance:
Research Triangle Institute
3040 Cornwallis Road
Post Office Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194
Tel: 919-541-6000
Fax: 919-541-5985
Value: $7.9 million initiallym up to $167.9 million over 12 months.
Awarded on: April 11, 2003
Awarded by: USAID
Press Release
For update on contract click here .

Theater Logistical Support:
Air Force Contract Augmentation Program (AFCAP)
Tel: 850-763-9600
Fax: 850-763-9995
Value: $4 million initially, with up to $26 million over 12 months.
Awarded on: February 17, 2003
Awarded by: USAID
the AFCAP is a pre-existing arrangement for the timely support to and supplementation of existing U.S. Air Force contracts.
For update on contract click here .

Airport Administration:
Sky Link Air and Logistic Support (USA), Inc.
Value: $2.5 million (initial)
Awarded on: May 5, 2003
Awarded by: USAID
Press Release
Mr. Paul Frazer (202)-547-2514
Ms Laura Vallis (202)-547-2514

Public Health:
Abt Associates, Inc.
55 Wheeler Street
Cambridge, MA 02138-1168
Tel: 617 492-7100
Fax: 617 492-5219
Value: $10 million (initial)
Awarded on: April 30, 2003
Awarded by: USAID
Press Release

General Contracting:
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Programs Center awarded the following three contracts in anticipation of potential contingency contract requirements in U.S. Central Command's area of operations. No specific work or location for work to be performed has been identified to date.
Press Release

Washington Group International
720 Park Blvd., P.O. Box 73
Boise, ID 83729
Tel: 208-386-5000
Fax: 208-386-7186
Value: $100 million
Awarded by: USACE

Perini Corporation
P.O. Box 9160
Framingham, MA 01701-9160
Tel: 508-628-2000
Fax: 508-628-2960
Value: $100 million
Awarded by: USACE

Fluor Corporation
One Enterprise Drive
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-2606
Tel: 949-349-2000
Fax: 949-349-2585
Value: $100 million
Awarded by: USACE

Economic Recovery, Reform and Sustained Growth in Iraq
Bearing Point, Inc.
1676 International Drive
McLean, VA 22102
Tel: 703-747-3000
Contact: Click here
Value: $9 million (initial)
Awarded on: July 25, 2003
Awarded by: USAID
Press Release


Education Services: Back to School Campaign
United National Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Value: $1 million for one year initially, up to $7 million.
Awarded on: April 8, 2003
Awarded by: USAID
To provide support for basic education in Iraq.
Press Release
For update on contract click here .

Health, Water and Sanitation Services:
United National Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Value: Grant - $8 million for one year initially, up to $40 million.
Awarded on: March 28, 2003
Awarded by: USAID
To provide basic health, water supply and sanitation services in Iraq.
Press Release
For update on contract click here .

Health System Strengthening:
World Health Organization (WHO)
Value: $10 million (1-year grant)
Awarded on: March 28, 2003
Awarded by: USAID
To strengthen the over health system in Iraq.
Press Release
For update on contract click here .

Iraq Community Action Program:
Awarded to:

Value: Each of the above five NGOs will receive $7 million each
Awarded on: May 27, 2003
Awarded by: USAID
Promotion of diverse and representative citizen participation in and among communities throughout Iraq. Identification, prioritization, and delivery of critical reconstruction and development needs.
Press Release


CSC Unit Awarded Contract for Legal Advisors for Iraq