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Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2005


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Appendix B: Performance Goals and Measures that Have Been Discontinued or Changed



Advance responsible economic growth and trade while protecting American security

Performance Goal: Protect the U.S. national security and economic interests by enhancing the efficiency of the export control system (BIS)
Change Goal reworded as “Protect the U.S. national security, foreign policy, and economic interests by enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the export control system (BIS)”
Justification The goal was reworded to better reflect the activities of BIS while adding an emphasis on foreign policy.

Performance Goal: Prevent illegal exports and identify violators of export prohibitions and restrictions for prosecution (BIS)
Number of cases opened that result in the prevention of a criminal violation of the prosecution of a criminal or administrative case
Change Measure reworded as “Number of investigative actions that result in the prevention of a violation and cases which result in a criminal and/or administrative prosecution”

This performance measure was reworded to more accurately reflect the measure. Data collected and the methodology used were unchanged.

Performance Goal: Enhance the export and transit control system of nations that lack effective control arrangements (BIS)
Change Goal reworded as “Enhance the export and transit controls of nations seeking to improve their export control system (BIS)”
Justification The goal was reworded to remove the negative connotation, that these countries lacked effective export control arrangements, when in fact export control arrangements in many of these countries do not exist to begin with.


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