table with row headers in column A and column headers in rows 4 through 5,,,, Table 4.13b Lower Bound of the Estimates - Housing Tenure Among Foreign-Born Households from Latin America by Type and by Sub-region of Birth of the Householder: 20031 ,,,, ,,,, HOUSEHOLD TYPE AND TENURE,,Sub-Region of Birth,, ,Latin America,Caribbean,Central America2,South America Total Family Households3,"5,255,687","1,002,513","3,577,096","637,899" ..Owner occupied,"2,516,266","513,856","1,664,059","314,450" ..Renter occupied4,"2,623,040","462,168","1,823,938","303,926" ..Occupier paid no cash rent,"67,489","7,341","49,360","4,979" ,,,, .Total Married Couple,"3,483,596","572,296","2,446,854","430,697" ..Owner occupied,"1,945,013","368,198","1,319,323","235,260" ..Renter occupied4,"1,455,218","189,694","1,056,451","180,720" ..Occupier paid no cash rent,"45,999","3,288","36,086","3,323" ,,,, .Total Male Family Householder5,"599,557","85,870","429,880","68,101" ..Owner occupied,"194,153","32,817","128,983","21,028" ..Renter occupied4,"385,324","46,072","285,788","41,607" ..Occupier paid no cash rent,"3,263",0,"2,301",0 ,,,, .Total Female Family Householder5,"1,124,616","320,265","658,352","122,348" ..Owner occupied,"356,400","100,287","194,517","46,814" ..Renter occupied4,"738,784","208,681","444,978","67,836" ..Occupier paid no cash rent,"11,268","1,619","6,382",586 ,,,, Total Nonfamily Households,"1,143,383","346,041","587,549","184,384" ..Owner occupied,"306,002","103,076","134,935","55,169" ..Renter occupied4,"794,965","225,501","425,269","121,196" ..Occupier paid no cash rent,"24,448","4,205","15,281","1,522" ,,,, .Total Male Nonfamily Householder,"667,943","158,145","392,259","98,099" ..Owner occupied,"137,965","42,046","63,068","24,648" ..Renter occupied4,"498,979","103,959","308,587","68,415",,,, ..Occupier paid no cash rent,"15,321","2,548","9,794",508,,,, ,,,,,,,, .Total Female Nonfamily Householder,"462,676","177,649","186,764","81,604",,,, ..Owner occupied,"161,334","55,829","67,682","28,367",,,, ..Renter occupied4,"284,890","113,706","108,719","48,734",,,, ..Occupier paid no cash rent,"6,438",830,"3,450",286,,,, Footnotes:,,,,,,,, "1 Households with a foreign-born householder are defined as foreign-born households, regardless of the nativity of the other household members.",,,,,,,, 2 The majority of those born in 'Central America' are from Mexico.,,,,,,,, 3 Households in which at least one member is related to the person who owns or rents the housing unit (householder).,,,,,,,, 4 Excluding occupier paid no cash rent.,,,,,,,, 5 No spouse present.,,,,,,,, "NOTE: The 2003 American Community Survey universe is limited to the household population and excludes the population living in institutions, college dormitories, ",,,,,,,, and other group quarters. Data are based on a sample and are subject to sampling variability (see ,,,,,,,, The degree of uncertainty for an estimate is represented through the use of a confidence interval. The confidence interval computed here is a 90-percent confidence interval ,,,,,,, and can be interpreted roughly as providing 90-percent certainty that the true number falls between the lower and upper bounds.,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2003",,,,,,, " Immigration Statistics Staff, Population Division",,,,,,, Internet Release date: ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,