table with row headers in column A and column headers in rows 4 through 5,,, Table 1.6c Upper Bound of the Estimates - Year of Entry of the Foreign-Born Population by Sex and U.S. Citizenship Status: 2003 ,,, ,,, SEX AND YEAR OF ENTRY,U.S. Citizenship Status,, ,Total Foreign Born,Naturalized U.S. Citizen 1,Not a U.S. Citizen "Total, Both Sexes","33,751,944","14,031,561","19,840,384" ..2000 or later 2 ,"5,135,842","242,812","4,907,646" ..1990- 1999,"11,704,788","2,627,468","9,133,850" ..1980- 1989,"8,216,273","4,318,008","3,939,690" ..1970- 1979,"4,593,213","3,311,342","1,316,523" ..Before 1970,"4,419,782","3,691,538","744,595" ,,, .Total Male,"16,806,372","6,586,843","10,290,697" ..2000 or later 2 ,"2,661,946","126,924","2,545,665" ..1990- 1999 ,"5,939,866","1,221,373","4,748,873" ..1980- 1989,"4,208,992","2,142,492","2,092,751" ..1970- 1979,"2,266,197","1,577,437","708,842",,,,,,,, ..Before 1970,"1,913,002","1,605,049","317,579",,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, .Total Female,"16,978,848","7,465,312","9,576,593",,,,,,,, ..2000 or later 2 ,"2,491,963","121,664","2,380,216",,,,,,,, ..1990- 1999 ,"5,786,292","1,416,537","4,406,496",,,,,,,, ..1980- 1989,"4,027,165","2,189,571","1,862,827",,,,,,,, ..1970- 1979,"2,342,829","1,745,832","618,624",,,,,,,, ..Before 1970,"2,522,218","2,102,938","434,130",,,,,,,, Footnotes:,,,,,,,,,,, "1 Though a foreign-born person typically must reside in the United States for a minimum of five years before becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen, ",,,,,,,,,,, there are exceptions to U.S. naturalization law that allow certain individuals to obtain citizenship without meeting the five-year residence requirement.,,,,,,,,,,, 2 The category '2000 or later' includes 2000-2003.,,,,,,,,,,, "NOTE: The 2003 American Community Survey universe is limited to the household population and excludes the population living in institutions, college dormitories, ",,,,,,,,,,, and other group quarters. Data are based on a sample and are subject to sampling variability (see ,,,,,,,,,,, The degree of uncertainty for an estimate is represented through the use of a confidence interval. The confidence interval computed here is a 90-percent confidence interval ,,,,,,, and can be interpreted roughly as providing 90-percent certainty that the true number falls between the lower and upper bounds.,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2003",,,,,,, " Immigration Statistics Staff, Population Division",,,,,,, Internet Release date: ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,