table with row headers in column A and column headers in rows 4 through 6,,,,, Table 1.12c Upper Bound of the Estimates - Poverty Status of Families by Type and by U.S. Citizenship Status of the Householder: 2003,,,,, ,,,,, FAMILY TYPE AND POVERTY STATUS 1,,U.S. Citizenship Status,,, ,,,Foreign Born,, ,Total,Native,Total,Naturalized U.S. Citizen,Not a U.S. Citizen Total Families,"73,313,203","63,153,962","10,263,109","5,149,508","5,155,573" ..Below poverty level,"7,230,255","5,689,655","1,572,994","465,122","1,121,212" ..At or above poverty level,"66,205,062","57,560,314","8,724,163","4,699,970","4,056,152" ,,,,, .Total Married Couples ,"54,961,806","47,466,107","7,570,770","3,981,197","3,623,290" ..Below poverty level,"2,696,365","1,856,405","861,104","270,106","601,076" ..At or above poverty level,"52,326,291","45,653,770","6,737,065","3,723,841","3,042,081" ,,,,, .Total Male Householders 2,"4,807,611","3,877,791","952,761","348,543","619,776" ..Below poverty level,"665,062","507,963","166,394","39,166","131,700" ..At or above poverty level,"4,169,107","3,391,135","799,396","313,381","499,244",,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, .Total Female Householders 2,"13,739,772","11,977,101","1,801,850","860,317","957,266",,,,,, ..Below poverty level,"3,922,265","3,370,742","573,253","167,962","413,302",,,,,, ..At or above poverty level,"9,860,677","8,642,158","1,244,762","702,883","556,521",,,,,, Footnotes:,,,,,,,,,,, "1 Using the official definition of poverty, as defined by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in Statistical Policy Directive 14, the Census Bureau measures who is in poverty",,,,,,,,,,, " in the past 12 months. For more information, see",,,,,,,,,,, 2 No spouse present.,,,,,,,,,,, "NOTE: The 2003 American Community Survey universe is limited to the household population and excludes the population living in institutions, college dormitories, ",,,,,,,,,,, and other group quarters. Data are based on a sample and are subject to sampling variability (see ,,,,,,,,,,, The degree of uncertainty for an estimate is represented through the use of a confidence interval. The confidence interval computed here is a 90-percent confidence interval ,,,,,,,,,,, and can be interpreted roughly as providing 90-percent certainty that the true number falls between the lower and upper bounds.,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2003",,,,,,,,,,, " Immigration Statistics Staff, Population Division",,,,, Internet Release date: ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,