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Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2005


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Appendix A: Performance and Resource Tables



Enhance the supply of key economic and demographic data to support effective decision-making of policymakers, businesses, and the American public

(Dollars in Millions)
  FY 2002
FY 2003
FY 2004
FY 2005
Total Funding $866.2 $921.2 $1,009.2 $1,095.0
FTE – Full-Time Equivalent 8,908 8,223 8,563 8,976

PERFORMANCE GOAL: Meet the needs of policymakers, businesses, non-profit organizations, and the public for current and benchmark measures of the U.S. population, economy, and governments (ESA/Census)

(Dollars in Millions)
  FY 2002
FY 2003
FY 2004
FY 2005
Total Funding $799.5 $846.9 $930.4 $1,010.9
FTE – Full-Time Equivalent 8,420 7,729 8,038 8,433
1 Total obligations for performance goal excludes the Working Capital Fund obligations financed by other Census Bureau funds and are already reflected in the results for the other funds. (back)

FY 2003
FY 2004
FY 2005
FY 2005
FY 2005
Met/Not Met1
Achieve pre-determined collection rates for Census Bureau censuses and surveys in order to provide statistically reliable data to support effective decision-making of policymakers, businesses, and the public New New

(1) 92.3% response rate for the Current Population Survey (CPS).

(2) 91.6% response rate for the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS).

(3) 90.8% response rate for the American Housing Survey (AHS).

(4) 72% response rate for the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP).

(5) 96.7% response rate for the American Community Survey (ACS).

(6) 85.5% response rate for the Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS).

(7) 81% response rate for the Annual Trade Survey (ATS).

(1) 90% response rate for CPS.

(2) 89% response rate for NCVS.

(3) 89% response rate for AHS.

(4) 80% response rate for SIPP.

(5) At least a 94% overall weighted response rate using three modes of data collection – mail, telephone and personal visit for ACS.

(6) 85% response rate for BAS.

(1) 91.9% response rate for CPS.

(2) 91.6% response rate for NCVS.

(3) 89.2% response rate for AHS.

(4) 85.2% response rate for SIPP.

(5) 96.8% overall weighted response rate using three modes of data collection – mail, telephone and personal visit for ACS.

(6) 85.5% response rate for BAS.

Green (Met)
Release data products for Census Bureau programs on time to support effective decision-making of policymakers, businesses, and the public New New

(1) 10 data products released for SIPP.

(2) 2 data products released for the Survey of Program Dynamics (SPD).

(3) 4 data products released for Census of Governments.

(4) Economic Census Advance Report issued on schedule, in March 2004.

(5) 577 Economic Census reports released.

(6) All 116 principal Economic Indicators were released on time.

(1) 2 SIPP data products released by 9/30/2005.

(2) 12 CPS data products released by 9/30/2005.

(3) 6 CPS Supplement data products released by 9/30/2005.

(4) 1 AHS data product released by 9/30/2005.

(5) Economic Census: Issue all the geographic series reports by 9/30/2005; Issue 2 Survey of Business Owners (SBO) reports by 9/30/2005; Issue Business Expenses Survey (BES) Report by 6/30/2005.

(6) Release all 116 monthly and quarterly principal economic indicators according to pre-announced time schedule.

(7) Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM) released as scheduled.

(8) Annual Trade Survey (ATS) released as scheduled.

(9) Annual Retail Trade Survey (ARTS) released as scheduled.

(10) Service Annual Survey (SAS) released as scheduled.

(1) 2 SIPP data products were released by 9/30/2005.

(2) 12 CPS data products were released by 9/30/2005.

(3) 6 CPS Supplement data products were released by 9/30/2005.

(4) 1 AHS data product was released by 9/30/2005.

(5) Economic Census: Issued 883 (100%) of the geographic series reports by 9/30/2005; Issued 2 SBO reports by 9/30/2005; Issued BES Report by 6/30/2005.

(6) Released all 116 monthly and quarterly principal economic indicators according to pre-announced time schedule.

(7) ASM was released as scheduled.

(8) ATS was released as scheduled.

(9) ARTS was released as scheduled.

(10) SAS was released as scheduled.

Green (Met)
Introduce Census 2000-based samples as scheduled so that the household surveys can continue through the next decade, and so that policymakers, businesses, and the public can continue to be confident in the major federal socioeconomic indicators these surveys provide New New

(1) New samples implemented for the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) in February 2004.

(2) New samples implemented for the Current Population Survey (including State Children’s Health Insurance Program) in April 2004.

(1) Consumer Expenditures Survey - Quarterly (CE-Q) samples introduced by 11/30/2004.

(2) Consumer Expenditures Survey - Daily (CE-D) samples introduced by 1/31/2005.

(3) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) samples introduced by 1/31/2005.

(4) American Housing Survey –National (AHS-N) samples introduced by 5/31/2005.

(1) CE-Q samples introduced by 11/30/2004.

(2) CE-D samples introduced by 1/31/2005.

(3) NCVS samples introduced by 1/31/2005.

(4) AHS-N samples introduced by 5/31/2005.

Green (Met)
Correct street features in TIGER (geographic) database to more effectively support: Census Bureau censuses and surveys, facilitate the geographic partnerships between federal, state, local and tribal governments, and support the E-Government initiative in the President’s Management Agenda New 250 counties were completed in FY 2003. 600 counties were completed in FY 2004. 610 counties to be completed in FY 2005. 623 counties were completed in FY 2005. Green (Met)
Complete key activities for cyclical census programs
on time to support effective
decision-making by
policymakers, businesses, and the public and meet constitutional and legislative mandates
New New

(1) Completed initial mailing of 2002 Survey of Business Owners forms by 7/31/2004.

(2) Decennial Census: Implemented the activities that supported the following objectives of the 2004 census test:

  • Questionnaire content
  • Hand held computers (HHC) devices for field work
  • Coverage improvements
  • Special place/group quarters
  • Residence rules

(1) Detailed project plan for FY 2007 Economic Census by 9/30/2005.

(2) Detailed project plan for FY 2007 Census of Governments by 9/30/2005.

(3) Intercensal Demographic Estimates: Improve controls for the 2004 ACS released by 5/30/2005.

(4)Intercensal Demographic Estimates: CPS controls released each month in time for weighting monthly estimates.

(5) Complete evaluations of the 2004 census test.

(6) Determine design requirements and select sites for the 2006 census test.

(7) Complete preparation for and begin implementation of the 2005 National Census Test.

(8) Use research, testing, and development efforts to date to update relevant 2010 Census action plans.

(1) Completed detailed project plan for FY 2007 Economic Census by 9/30/2005.

(2) Completed detailed project plan for FY 2007 Census of Governments by 9/30/2005.

(3) Intercensal Demographic Estimates: Improved controls for the 2004 ACS released by 5/30/2005.

(4) Intercensal Demographic Estimates: CPS controls were released each month in time for weighting monthly estimates.

(5) Completed evaluations of the 2004 census test.

(6) Determined design
requirements and selected sites for the 2006 census test.

(7) Completed preparation for and began implementation of the 2005 National Census Test.

(8) Used research, testing, and development efforts to date to update relevant 2010 Census action plans.

Green (Met)
Meet or exceed overall federal score of customer satisfaction on the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) New New 71% score
on ACSI.
73% score
on ACSI.
73% score
on ACSI.
Green (Met)
1 Each assessment is for each measure as a whole. In order to be considered met, at least 75% of the sub-targets must have been met. (back)

PERFORMANCE GOAL: Promote a better understanding of the U.S. economy by providing the most timely, relevant, and accurate economic data in an objective and cost-effective manner (ESA/BEA)

(Dollars in Millions)
  FY 2002
FY 2003
FY 2004
FY 2005
Total Funding $66.7 $74.3 $78.8 $84.1
FTE – Full-Time Equivalent 488 494 525 543

FY 2003
FY 2004
FY 2005
FY 2005
FY 2005
Met/Not Met
Reliability of delivery of economic data (number of scheduled releases issued on time)
50 of 50 48 of 48 54 of 54 54 of 54 54 of 54 1 Green (Met)
Customer satisfaction with quality of products and services (mean rating on a 5-point scale)
4.3 4.4 4.3 Greater than 4.0 4.4 1 Green (Met)
Percent of GDP estimates correct
83% 88% 88% Greater than 85% 96% 1 Green (Met)
Budget Related:
Improving GDP and the Economic Accounts 1
Developed new measures to address gaps and updated BEA’s accounts; designed prototype of new quarterly survey of international services; developed new pilot estimates that provide better integration with other accounts. BEA completed all major Strategic Plan milestones related to improving the economic accounts. BEA completed all major Strategic Plan milestones related to improving the economic accounts. Successful completion of related Strategic
Plan milestones.
BEA completed all major Strategic Plan milestones related to improving the economic accounts. 1 Green (Met)
Budget Related:
Accelerating Economic Estimates2
New BEA completed all major Strategic Plan milestones related to accelerating economic estimates. BEA completed all major Strategic Plan milestones related to accelerating economic estimates. Successful completion of related Strategic Plan milestones. BEA completed all major Strategic Plan milestones related to accelerating economic estimates. Green (Met)
Budget Related:
Meeting U.S. international obligations1
New BEA completed all major Strategic Plan milestones related to meeting U.S. international obligations. BEA completed all major Strategic Plan milestones related to meeting U.S. international obligations. Successful completion of related Strategic Plan milestones. BEA completed all major Strategic Plan milestones related to meeting U.S. international obligations. Green (Met)
1 FY 2005 actual projection. (back)
2 Strategic Plan milestones are available in the BEA Strategic Plan on, “About BEA.” A report card of completed milestones also is available at (back)


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