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GSA Properties Southern Border Program Office

James M. King
(817) 978-0346

The Southern Border Program Office monitors and reports on projects along the US/Mexican border.  The office ensures that all projects are designed according to accepted standards, within Congressional limitations and within budget utilizing contracted A/Es and/or individual professional judgment at three primary project milestones.  The office oversees the maintenance and updating of the OCA Project Information Portal for border stations in GSA Regions 7 and 9 (TX, AZ, CA, NM) and provides the National office with project specific and other programmatic information as requested. The Southern Branch Office also participates in partnerships and conferences affecting the Southern US border, such as Department of State’s US/Mexican Bi-National Bridges and Border Crossings conferences held twice yearly.  The office is also responsible for the management of special national programs like capital project scoping using Border Wizard.