The Facts About...Getting Students Help
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The Challenge: For 30 years, parents have had few options when their children are trapped in persistently failing schools.

The Solution: Make sure students and parents have options and our tax dollars are spent educating children in danger of being left behind.


Federal money will go to students who need it most.
For the first time in history, Title I funds (the federal education dollars targeted for America's neediest students) are tied directly to the education of the child and not the maintenance of the status quo.

Empowers parents and gets students the help they need.
When schools fail to meet state standards for three years in a row, children from disadvantaged backgrounds will be eligible to obtain supplemental services, including tutoring, remedial education, extra classes, summer school, afterschool programs and other supplemental academic services to help boost their achievement.

Involves the whole community in aiding the education of children.
Private, non-profit and faith-based providers are among those eligible to provide supplemental services to disadvantaged students. The status quo system will no longer have a monopoly on the use of taxpayer money spent on education.

School districts will provide parents with lists of places their children can go to get help.
Schools will pay for supplemental education services from public or private sector providers selected by parents from a state-approved list. The instruction will be designed to improve academic achievement in the state academic content standards.

Supplemental Services will provide academic help to students who are forced to attend a school identified as in need of improvement during the day.
As a result, overall academic achievement at the school will improve, and most importantly, no child will be left behind.

The Resources: Supplemental services won't cost parents an extra penny.
Supplemental services give parents and students options and provide incentives for schools to improve. Federal funds sent to districts with schools be identified as in need of improvement will be made available for parents to get extra help for their children.

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Last Modified: 01/19/2005

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