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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 780  

Exemptions Applicable to Agriculture, Processing of Agricultural Commodities, and Related Subjects Under the Fair Labor Standards Act




Subpart B  

General Scope of Agriculture

29 CFR 780.158 - Examples of other practices within section 3(f) if requirements are met.

  • Section Number: 780.158
  • Section Name: Examples of other practices within section 3(f) if requirements are met.

    (a) As has been noted above, the term ``agriculture'' includes other 
practices performed by a farmer or on a farm as an incident to or in 
conjunction with the farming operations conducted by such farmer or on 
such farm in addition to the practices listed in section 3(f). The 
selling (including selling at roadside stands or by mail order and house 
to house selling) by a farmer and his employees of his agricultural 
commodities, dairy products, etc., is such a practice provided it does 
not amount to a separate business. Other such practices are office work 
and maintenance and protective work. Section 3(f) includes, for example, 
secretaries, clerks, bookkeepers, night watchmen, maintenance workers, 
engineers, and others who are employed by a farmer or on a farm if their 
work is part of the agricultural activity and is subordinate to the 
farming operations of such farmer or on such farm. (Damutz v. Pinchbeck, 
66 F. Supp. 667, aff'd. 158 F. 2d 882). Employees of a farmer who repair 
the mechanical implements used in farming, as a subordinate and 
necessary task incident to their employer's farming operations, are 
within section 3(f). It makes no difference that the work is done by a 
separate labor force in a repair shop maintained for the purpose, where 
the size of the farming operations is such as to justify it. Only 
employees engaged in the repair of equipment used in performing 
agricultural functions would be within section 3(f), however; employees 
repairing equipment used by the employer in industrial or other 
nonfarming activities would be outside the scope of agriculture. (Maneja 
v. Waialua, 349 U.S. 254.) The repair of equipment used by other farmers 
in their farming operations would not qualify as an agricultural 
practice incident to the farming operations of the farmer employing the 
repair workers.
    (b) The following are other examples of practices which may qualify 
as ``agriculture'' under the secondary meaning in section 3(f), when 
done on a farm, whether done by a farmer or by a contractor for the 
farmer, so long as they do not relate to farming operations on any other 
farms: The operation of a cook camp for the sole purpose of feeding 
persons engaged exclusively in agriculture on that farm; artificial 
insemination of the farm animals; custom corn shelling and grinding of 
feed for the farmer; the packing of apples by portable packing machines 
which are moved from farm to farm packing only apples grown on the 
particular farm where the packing is being performed; the culling, 
catching, cooping, and loading of poultry; the threshing of wheat; the 
shearing of sheep; the gathering and baling of straw.
    (c) It must be emphasized with respect to all practices performed on 
products for which exemption is claimed that they must be performed only 
on the products produced or raised by the particular farmer or on the 
particular farm (Mitchell v. Huntsville Nurseries, 267 F. 2d 286; Bowie 
v. Gonzalez, 117 F. 2d 11; Mitchell v. Hunt, 263 F. 2d 913; NLRB v. Olaa 
Sugar Co., 242 F. 2d 714; Farmers Reservoir Co. v. McComb, 337 U.S. 755; 
Walling v. Peacock Corp., 58 F. Supp. 880; Lenroot v. Hazelhurst 
Mercantile Co., 153 F. 2d 153; Jordan v. Stark Bros. Nurseries, 45 F. 
Supp. 769).
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