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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 780  

Exemptions Applicable to Agriculture, Processing of Agricultural Commodities, and Related Subjects Under the Fair Labor Standards Act




Subpart B  

General Scope of Agriculture

29 CFR 780.157 - Other transportation incident to farming.

  • Section Number: 780.157
  • Section Name: Other transportation incident to farming.

    (a) Transportation by a farmer or on a farm as an incident to or in 
conjunction with the farming operations of the farmer or of that farm is 
within the scope of agriculture even though things other than farm 
commodities raised by the farmer or on the farm are being transported. 
As previously indicated, transportation of commodities raised by other 
farmers or on other farms would not be within section 3(f). The 
definition of agriculture clearly covers the transportation by the 
farmer, as an incident to or in conjunction with his farming activities, 
of farm implements, supplies, and fieldworkers to and from the fields, 
regardless of whether such transportation involves travel on or off the 
farm and regardless of the method used. The Supreme Court of the United 
States so held in Maneja v. Waialua, 349 U.S. 254. Transportation of 
fieldworkers to or from the farm by persons other than the farmer does 
not come within section 3(f). However, under section 13(b)(16) of the 
Act, discussed in subpart J of this part 780, an overtime pay exemption 
is provided for transportation, whether or not performed by the farmer, 
of fruit or vegetable harvest workers to and from the farm, within the 
same State where the farm is located. In the case of transportation to 
the farm of materials or supplies, it seems clear that transportation to 
the farm by the farmer of materials and supplies for use in his farming 
operations, such as seed, animal or poultry feed, farm machinery or 
equipment, etc., would be incidental to the farmer's actual farming 
operations. Thus, truckdrivers employed by a farmer to haul feed to the 
farm for feeding pigs are engaged in ``agriculture.''
    (b) With respect to the practice of transporting farm products from 
farms to a processing establishment by employees of a person who owns 
both the farms and the establishment, such practice may or may not be 
incident to or in conjunction with the employer's
farming operations depending on all the pertinent facts. For example, 
the transportation is clearly incidental to milling operations, rather 
than to farming, where the employees engaged in it are hired by the 
mill, carried on its payroll, do no agricultural work on the farms, and 
report for and end their daily duties at the mill where the 
transportation vehicles are kept (Calaf v. Gonzales, 127 F. 2d 934). On 
the other hand, a different result is reached where the facts show that 
the transportation workers are farm employees whose work is closely 
integrated with harvesting and other direct farming operations (NLRB v. 
Olaa Sugar Co., 242 F. 2d 714; and see Vives v. Serralles, 145 F. 2d 
552). The method by which the transportation is accomplished is not 
material (Maneja v. Waialua, 349 U.S. 254).

        Other Unlisted Practices Which May Be Within Section 3(f)
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