BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Mexico Local time: 04:51 AM

Duties and Responsibilities

Girls watching computer in a Trade Aide area

Intern duties vary according to the wide range of Commercial Service activities, but following is a sample of the major responsibilities for interns working for the U.S. Commercial Service in Mexico. Interns will work under the supervision of one or more American officers and/or Foreign Service National employees to accomplish the following:

  • Planning, organizing and implementing trade shows, trade missions, and seminars. This includes assisting in the preparation of event budgets, conducting marketing campaigns, organizing representational events, arranging schedules of official meetings for visiting dignitaries, preparing promotional and briefing materials (such as promotional brochures, power point presentations, and speeches) and organizing mission logistics.
  • Preparing market research reports and Country Commercial Guides (CCGs). This involves collecting and analyzing regulatory, statistical and market information from various information sources such as government and industry officials, trade associations, official publications, trade directories, web sites and periodicals. The intern would then prepare written reports in standard business English.
  • Assist his/her supervisor with other duties as needed in facilitating the export of U.S. goods and services into Mexico.