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Mexico Local time: 09:46 AM

SAIC is Installing an Integrated Container Information System at the Port of Veracruz

SAIC's technology provides a comprehensive solution to enhance security and productivity at terminal gates, quays, railways and other checkpoint locations.

Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) is installing an Integrated Container Information System (ICIS) at the Port of Veracruz. ICIS is an integrated-system solution addressing the challenge of enhancing container security without impeding traffic. When equipped with SAIC's high-speed radiographic imaging, radiation scanning and optical character recognition capabilities, ICIS can scan high volumes of containers in the normal flow of traffic at the gates or on the quay. ICIS can also integrate data from these and many other sources, including terminal security, automation and management systems, for use in security and productivity applications. This installation follows a joint project between the Port of Veracruz and the U.S. Trade and Development Agency to provide for a phased plan to expand port facilitates to handle greater amounts of inbound and outbound cargoes.   

 SAIC is the manufacturer of VACIS® inspection systems, a non-intrusive imaging system developed to perform in a variety of situations and environments ranging from empty container inspection at port terminals and other intermodal facilities to high-resolution/high-penetration applications assisting with manifest verification and the identification of contraband and radioactive materials. VACIS technology has the capability to penetrate containers, railcars, tankers, grain cars, and boxcars.

The Port, with the use of five VACIS® gamma-ray based portal and rail non-intrusive inspection systems, has been scanning all incoming vehicle and rail container traffic during the last three years and is in the process of putting into operation two additional Railroad VACIS® systems. 

In all, the Port of Veracruz has purchased up to USD $5,875.000.00 in SAIC technology during 2005 and 2006 and is considered one of SAIC's best clients with a world-class port environment to show off VACIS and ICIS in operation.

SAIC is a leading provider of scientific, engineering, systems integration and technical services and solutions to all branches of the U.S. military, agencies of the Department of Defense, the intelligence community, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and other U.S. Government civil agencies, as well as to customers in selected commercial markets. With more than 43,000 employees in over 150 cities worldwide, SAIC engineers and scientists solve complex technical challenges requiring innovative solutions for customers' mission-critical functions. SAIC had annual revenues of $7.8 billion for its fiscal year ended January 31, 2006. SAIC: FROM SCIENCE TO SOLUTIONS™

David W. Bowlin, MBA
Deputy Director, Marketing Communications/  Bid & Proposals
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)