U.S. Census Bureau

 Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates

 Model-based Estimates for States, Counties, & School Districts

Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) Program Model Changes for Release of 2005 Estimates

The SAIPE program produces model-based estimates of poverty and median household income for states and counties and poverty and population estimates for school districts. The following items provide a high-level description of major changes that have been incorporated into the estimation procedures for the release of the 2005 estimates.

States and Counties: Incorporate American Community Survey (ACS) data into the model-based estimation process for states and counties by replacing the current poverty data, measured by the Current Population Survey (CPS) Annual Social and Economic supplement (ASEC), with ACS measures.

School Districts: A new shares method using Federal Tax Information (FTI) from the IRS to better reflect current sub-county poverty distribution for school districts.

External Review: In September 2007 an external review of the proposed ACS model change was conducted. Technical recommendations were provided, and the switch to using ACS data was supported.

For more detailed information please see Estimation Procedure Changes for 2005 Estimates.

1National Academy of Science, National Research Council (2000). Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates: Priorities for 2000 and Beyond (pp:117).
National Academy of Science, National Research Council (2007). Using the American Community Survey: Benefits and Challenges (pp: 69-80; 215-216).

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Data Integration Division, Small Area Estimates Branch
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