U.S. Census Bureau

 Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates

 Model-based Estimates for States, Counties, & School Districts

SAIPE - 2003 School District Files Layout

The files in the data directory contain estimates of population and poverty. These 2003 SAIPE data were revised on October 2, 2006. The school districts for which we have estimates were identified in the 2003 school district mapping project, which asked about all school districts as of January 1, 2004. The 2003 estimates reflect poverty in 2003 of the population in 2004 for school district boundaries in the 2003-2004 school year. There is one file for each of the states, the District of Columbia, and the entire United States. Each file contains the FIPS state code, Department of Education Common Core of Data (CCD) ID numbers, District names, the total population, population of school-age children, and estimated number of school-age children in poverty related to the head of the household.

Excel format:

Text format:

The text files contain only data - no labels, no table headers, no titles. A description of the contents of the files can be found below or in the file "README" in the file directory.

Access school district data files for 2003

School district file layout
Position Variable
1-2 FIPS state code (00 for U.S. record)
4-8 District ID number
10-74 District name
76-83 Total population
85-92 Relevant population age 5 - 17
94-101 Estimated number of relevant children 5 to 17 years old in poverty who are related to the householder
103-123 File name and creation date

[Excel] or the letters [xls] indicate a document is in the Microsoft® Excel® Spreadsheet Format (XLS). To view the file, you will need the Microsoft® Excel® Viewer This link to a non-federal Web site does not imply endorsement of any particular product, company, or content. available for free from Microsoft®.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Data Integration Division, Small Area Estimates Branch
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