U.S. Census Bureau

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage
2007 American Community Survey
News Conference

U.S. Census Bureau

Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2008
10:00 a.m.


Good morning.

     Welcome to all of you here and those joining us online and by telephone. My name is Stephen Buckner. I’m the Assistant Division Chief in the Census Bureau’s Public Information Office.

     Today’s release is vitally important to our country, but reveals just a small glimpse of our Nation’s increasing diverse and rapidly changing population. The data collected by the Census Bureau are critical in understanding and planning for those changes, and help determine how more than $300 billion in federal funds are distributed back to state and local governments each year. And with the 2010 Census now about 18 months away, the Census Bureau will fulfill its Constitutional mandate to count every resident in the United States, further illustrating how America is changing.

     At this time I will provide an overview of today’s annual news conference on income, poverty and health insurance in the United States. For everyone attending here at the Census Bureau, we will begin handing out media kits shortly. For those participating via the Web or by telephone, you can also view today’s information by going to the Census Bureau homepage, www.census.gov, and clicking on the income and poverty banner at the top of the screen.

     Please save your questions for the end of the presentation, we will have a question and answer period for accredited news media only. We hope to answer all your questions, but if we are unable to get to everyone based on a limited amount of time, please call our Public Information Office at 301-763-3030, or you may choose to stay for a few minutes and ask questions of Census Bureau staff available here today.

     This morning David Johnson, chief of the Census Bureau’s Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division, will highlight results from two surveys: the Current Population Survey, and the American Community Survey.

     Now, here’s David Johnson, to speak about income, poverty and health insurance coverage in the United States.

Question & Answer

     That concludes the presentation portion of the income, poverty and health insurance news conference. We will now take questions from accredited news media only. We will try to get to everyone, but please hold your question until you are recognized. When asking a question, please wait for the microphone, provide your name and affiliation first, and then proceed. Remember to confine your questions to the data presented here today. The Census Bureau is not a policy-making agency, and therefore will not be able to entertain any policy-related questions.

Closing Remarks

     This concludes the Question & Answer portion of today’s news conference. Thank you for your participation. Should you need additional information, or would like to request a follow up interview, please contact our Public Information Office at 301-763-3030. Thank you, and good morning.