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Taking EPA’s 'green' pulse

For some, EMS stands for Emergency Medical Services, but for Region 6 it means taking the pulse of how well we are practicing environmental stewardship within our organization. In Region 6 EMS stands for an Environmental Management Systems, a plan that we have put into place and strive to practice daily to minimize our impacts on the environment. This includes finding ways to reduce our energy consumption and promoting daily actions that everyone in our organization can take to be green. Our EMS plan is also part of a greater corporate value that we strive to work and live by.

So how are we doing? Independent auditors checked recently and here are some of the things they found we are doing to minimize our eco-footprint:

These are just some of the things that we are doing to be green, but we won’t stop here. Our EMS calls for continually improving and enhancing our operations, and we are committed to doing just that.

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