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Refocus. Reform. Renew. A New Transportation Approach in America, FightGridLockNow.gov - U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Public Affairs, Washington, D.C., www.dot.gov/affairs/briefing.htm - News

DOT 139-08
Friday, September 19, 2008

News Digest

FHWA Invites Applications for Grants that Use Innovative Pricing Strategies that Relieve Congestion. The Federal Highway Administration expects to offer $12 million in grants for innovative pricing strategies that relieve congestion under the Value Pricing Pilot Program in fiscal year 2009. The agency's selection will first focus on projects that use pricing and are consistent with the Department's national congestion strategy with an emphasis on broader region wide approaches and congestion relief in major urban areas. The agency also encourages projects that use pricing in new ways to combat congestion. More information on the program is available at www.fightgridlocknow.gov. Contact Nancy Singer: 202-366-4650.

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