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November 5, 2008    DOL Home > ILAB   

Improving Economic Opportunity and Income Security for Workers (EOIS)

Under the EOIS initiative, USDOL works to strengthen developing countries’ abilities to build and institutionalize social safety net policies and programs needed to improve working conditions and foster economic growth. Projects under this initiative aim to increase employment among targeted groups, improve workplace safety and health, and increase access to social insurance.

EOIS projects assume a variety of forms:

  • They provide employment services and worker adjustment services to the unemployed and workers who are about to lose their jobs, including traditionally disenfranchised groups, such as those with few opportunities such as veterans, disabled individuals, and women.
  • Pension reform and social insurance reform projects assist in the development of income security programs, which support the lives of workers and retirees.
  • Mine safety and occupational health and safety programs improve working conditions and decrease workplace hazards.
  • Trafficking programs address specific economic and social problem driving women to, sometimes unknowingly, abandon their communities for dangerous and, often, illegal work.

Examples of project activities include:

  • Pension Reform: Building the institutional capacity of pension regulatory agencies in Poland, Hungary, and Slovenia to protect workers’ savings in newly-privatized pension systems that are part of countries’ efforts to restructure their economic systems.
  • Employment Promotion: Designing integrated employment and training services for unemployed workers to facilitate their integration into local labor markets in the Caribbean, Nigeria, Tanzania, Ukraine, Pakistan, and the Philippines.
  • Improving Mine Safety and Health: The coalmines of Ukraine are known as some of the most dangerous in the world. With the support of the Mine Safety and Health Administration, ILAB is working to improve the conditions in Ukrainian mines through the installation of safety equipment and by supplying training in mine safety and health.
  • Transitioning Military Veterans to Civilian Employment: With the largest military force in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Government of Nigeria is challenged to find employment for soldiers leaving military service. In collaboration with the U.S. Department of Defense and DOL’s Veterans Employment and Training Administration, ILAB is assisting the Nigerian Government to provide more effective job placement and training services to ex-military personnel.

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