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The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) implements Departmental environmental policies related to the nation's railroads and promulgates railroad safety regulations. FRA participates in domestic forums covering a wide range of environmental issues including brownfields, noise, invasive species, climate change and community livability. FRA, together with the Department, maintains working relationships with rail transportation carriers, non governmental organizations, and other rail related organizations. FRA also conducts environmental reviews of pending actions.

Freight railroading efficiently transports approximately 42% of the freight revenue ton-miles in the nation.  US railroads averaged 404 revenue ton-miles per gallon of fuel consumed in 2002.[1]   Energy savings and reductions of air pollution can be achieved through greater use of railroads for freight transport.  The Federal Railroad Administration strives to provide information and resources for environmentally sound planning and development of the nation's railroad system. 

  • Environmental laws and regulations – The FRA has a hazardous materials safety program and EPA has other regulations dealing with hazardous materials.
  • FRA Environmental Impact Assessment – FRA considers the potential for environmental impact resulting from projects or actions sponsored or taken by the Agency.
  • Environmental Management – Railroads can realize significant benefits by developing the internal capacity to manage the environmental consequences of their operations.

    1 Railroad Facts, 2003 Edition , Association of American Railroads

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Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590