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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 570  

Child Labor Regulations, Orders and Statements of Interpretation




Subpart G  

General Statements of Interpretation of the Child Labor Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as Amended

29 CFR 570.111 - Removal ``within 30 days''.

  • Section Number: 570.111
  • Section Name: Removal ``within 30 days''.

    According to section 12(a) goods produced in an establishment in or 
about which oppressive child labor has been employed are barred as ``hot 
goods'' from being shipped or delivered for shipment in commerce in the 
following two situations: First, if they were removed from the 
establishment while any oppressive child labor was still being employed 
in or about it; second, if they were removed from an establishment in or 
about which oppressive child labor was no longer employed but less than 
30 days had then elapsed since any such employment of oppressive child 
labor came to an end. Once any goods have been removed from a producing 
establishment within the above-mentioned thirty-day period, they are 
barred at any time theafter from being shipped or delivered for shipment 
in commerce so long as they remain ``goods'' for purposes of the Act. 
\21\  Goods are considered removed from an establishment just as soon as 
they are taken away from the establishment as that term has been 
defined. \22\  The statute does not require that this ``removal'' from 
the establishment be made for the purpose or in the course of a shipment 
or delivery for shipment in commerce. A ``removal'' within the meaning 
of the statute also takes place where the goods are removed from the 
establishment for some other purpose such as storage, the granting of a 
lien or other security interest, or further processing.

    \21\ However, section 12(a) contains a provision relieving innocent 
purchasers from liability thereunder provided certain conditions are 
met. For a discussion of this provision, see Sec. 570.128.
    Also, section 15(a)(1) relieves any common carrier from liability 
under the Act for the transportation in commerce in the regular course 
of its business of any goods not produced by such common carrier.
    \22\ For a discussion of the meaning of ``establishment,'' see 
Sec. 570.109.
    \23\ [Reserved]

[16 FR 7008, July 20, 1951, as amended at 23 FR 6240, Aug. 14, 1958. 
Redesignated at 28 FR 1634, Feb. 21, 1963. Redesignated and amended at 
36 FR 25156, Dec. 29, 1971]
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