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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 784  

Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act Applicable to Fishing and Operations on Aquatic Products




Subpart B  

Exemptions Provisions Relating to Fishing and Aquatic Products

29 CFR 784.153 - General scope of named operations.

  • Section Number: 784.153
  • Section Name: General scope of named operations.

    The exemption from the overtime pay requirements provided by section 
13(b)(4) of the Act extends to employees ``employed in the * * * 
marketing * * * storing, packing for shipment, or distributing of any 
kind of'' perishable aquatic product named in the section. An employee's 
work must be functionally so related to the named activity as to be, in 
practical effect, a part of it, and the named activity must be performed 
with respect to the perishable aquatic commodities listed in section 
13(b)(4), in order for the exemption to apply to him. The named 
activities include the operations customarily performed in the 
marketing, storing, packing for shipment, or distributing of perishable 
marine products. For example, an employee engaged in placing perishable 
marine products in boxes, cartons, crates, bags, barrels, etc., 
preparatory to shipment and placing the loaded containers on conveyances 
for delivery to customers would be employed in the ``packing for 
shipment'' of such products. Salesmen taking orders for the perishable 
aquatic products named in the section would be employed in the 
``marketing'' of them. Employees of a refrigerated warehouse who perform 
only duties involved in
placing such perishable marine products in the refrigerated space, 
removing them from it, and operating the refrigerating equipment, would 
be employed in ``storing'' or ``distributing'' such products, depending 
on the facts. On the other hand, employees of a public warehouse 
handling aquatic products which have been canned or otherwise rendered 
nonperishable, or handling perishable products which contain substantial 
amount of ingredients not named in section 13(b)(4), would not be within 
the exemption. Office, clerical, maintenance, and custodial employees 
are not exempt by reason of the fact that they are employed by employers 
engaged in marketing, storing, packing for shipment, or distributing 
seafood and other aquatic products. Such employees are exempt only when 
the facts of their employment establish that they are performing 
functions so necessary to the actual conduct of such operations by the 
employer that, as a practical matter, their employment is directly and 
necessarily a part of the operations intended to be exempted (see, for 
some examples, Sec. 784.155).
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