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U.S. Trade Agreements web site banner - A joint effort between the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, State, Treasury and the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

About Trade

"Free and fair trade helps secure a future of freedom and promise."

President George W. Bush
World Trade Week Proclomation
May 16, 2008

Site Updated: November 3, 2008 is an interagency effort by the United States Government to provide the public with the latest information on America's trade agreements. A joint effort between the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, State, Treasury and the Office of the United States Trade Representative, this site will be regularly updated with news about existing agreements, as well as pending free trade agreements with Peru, Colombia, Panama and South Korea.

  • Agriculture
  • Commerce
  • State
  • Treasury
  • U.S. Trade Representative

News Highlights

Gutierrez gesturing from the podium. Click for larger image.

Commerce Secretary Gutierrez Praises Panama’s Role in New Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas Initiative

Washington (Oct. 23)—In remarks to the U.S.-Panama Business Council, U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez noted that Panama is an important friend, ally and trading partner. “We are very pleased that Panama has agreed to host the first Ministerial in December, Gutierrez said. In his remarks, he discussed the potential for increased U.S.-Panama trade and investment, citing Panama’s high growth rate and the pending U.S.-Panama free trade agreement. (More)

President Bush signing Andean Trade Prerence Extension with Schwab, Gutierrez and Rice looking on. Click here for larger image.

White House Photo

President Bush Signs Andean Trade Preference Act Extension

Washington (Oct. 16)—President George W. Bush signed H.R. 7222, the Andean Trade Preference Act Extension in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The bill will extend the Generalized Systems of Preferences (GSP), designed to help developing countries expand their market presence and strengthen their economies, and the Andean Trade Pact, which waives duties on imports from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru in accordance with a 1991 law. Looking on are Ambassador Susan Schwab, the U.S. Trade Representative, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. (President’s Remarks)