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2008 AWRA Summer Specialty Conference:
Riparian Ecosystems & Buffers: Working at the Water’s Edge
(Virginia Beach, VA)

CD2008, CD-ROM / $56.00 for Members / $70.00 for Nonmembers / $5 domestic / $9



To define riparian areas as the interface or "edge" of land and water, fails to recognize the complexity of these nested ecosystems, their extreme biodiversity, and the wide array of influential factors and processes that encompass these landscapes. Aquatic ecosystems are a reflection of what is happening on the land and likewise terrestrial ecosystems are highly influenced by what happens in the water. Thus the riparian ecosystems are at the center of physical, chemical and biological activities of watersheds. The 2008 AWRA Summer Specialty Conference, "Riparian Ecosystems and Buffers: Working at the Water's Edge," is aimed at getting scientists, practitioners, policy makers and land managers together to discuss riparian ecosystems and their use as buffers.

The proceedings for this conference are an assemblage of riparian studies from national and international scientists and authors that provide insight into new field study discoveries, technological advances in modeling, mapping and other analytical tools and strategies for riparian restoration and management. The common thread of the papers and abstracts help define what it means to work at the water's "edge." 

The complete May issue of Water Resources IMPACT, which is dedicated to the topic of riparian ecosystems and buffers, is included as part of the conference proceedings.

Order your copy today!

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2008 AWRA Spring Specialty Conference:
GIS and Water Resources V (San Mateo, CA)

CD2008, CD-ROM / $56.00 for Members / $70.00 for Nonmembers / $5 domestic / $9 foreign S&H



It is remarkable that only 15 years ago, the use of GIS in water resources management was in its infancy. Now, it is a standard tool that is the foundation of managing water resources using a digital information base rather than a paper one. The 2008 AWRA Spring Specialty Conference is the fifth in a series of AWRA specialty conferences on GIS and Water Resources. These proceedings include material that reflects the many aspects of the contributions of GIS to the analysis and management of water resources.

Certain themes stand out in the Conference proceedings, including: Hydrologic Information Systems and the use of LIDAR for surface terrain mapping; flood plain mapping, reflecting the FEMA Map Modernization program and related flood management studies being undertaken by state and local agencies; and water quality modeling, reflecting the role of the landscape as a non-point source of pollutants. In addition, technological innovations such the National Hydrography Dataset and the newer NHDPlus dataset, and the Arc Hydro data model are well represented. Various forms of web publication of water resources information are presented as well.

The complete March issue of Water Resources IMPACT, which is dedicated to the topic of GIS and Water Resources is included as part of the conference proceedings.

GIS is an empowering technology, helping people to better understand, depict and manage water systems. This CD-rom includes abstracts and papers on the cutting edge of this exciting and rapidly changing discipline. Order your copy today!

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2007 AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference (Albuquerque, NM)

CD2007, CD-ROM / $56.00 for Members / $70.00 for Nonmembers / $5 domestic / $9 foreign S&H



The AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference is always planned as a conference where research from every aspect of water resources and from every discipline involved in water resources management can be presented to a widest possible audience of people dedicated to solving water resources challenges. Its multidisciplinary nature is part of its appeal as the “go-to” conference for water resources professionals. Yet, as always happens, certain themes emerge which make each conference unique.

This year, special sessions tracks in Hydrophilanthropy, Energy/Water, Distributed Hydrologic Modeling, Urban Ecosystems emerged as features of interest for attendees. Other sessions attracting attention focused on Climate Change, Water Policy, Water Quality, Transboundary Issues, Stormwater Management, TMDL's, Reviving the Santa Fe River, Watershed Planning and Management, and Developing Countries. Abstracts from the 81 sessions, representing more than 300 oral or panel presentations, as well as more than 75 poster presentations are included in these proceedings. Order your copy today!

Order your copy today!

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Emerging Contaminants of Concern in the Environment: Issues, Investigations, and Solutions (Vail, 2007)

CD2007, CD-ROM / $56.00 for Members / $70.00 for Nonmembers / $5 domestic / $9 foreign S&H



Increasing concern regarding the presence of trace organic compounds in the environment and potential adverse effects on aquatic life and human health set the stage for this AWRA conference on Emerging Contaminants of Concern in the Environment. The conference was a comprehensive, interdisciplinary forum covering their detection and sources; their fate and transport in natural and engineered systems; their receptors and effects; as well as engineering solutions and communication. These 120 abstracts and papers form a useful compendium on the latest research on emerging contaminants of concern, including:

  • state-of-the-art analytical methods of emerging contaminants in different environmental media
  • urban, agricultural, and natural sources of emerging contaminants
  • wastewater treatment processes, onsite wastewater treatment systems, advanced water treatment processes, and water reuse systems
  • fate and transport of emerging contaminants in streams, ground water, and land applied biosolids
  • ecosystems and wildlife health effects
  • engineering solutions to emerging contaminants including source country
  • law and policy implications
  • guidance on communications.

These proceedings provide an interdisciplinary overview of the issues facing researchers, the investigations being undertaken, and the solutions currently being implemented. Familiarize yourself with this critical topic - Purchase your copy today!

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Third National Water Resources Policy Dialogue (Arlington 2007)

CD2007, CD-ROM / $56.00 for Members / $70.00 for Nonmembers/ $5 domestic/ $9 foreign S&H



Water resources policy in the United States was discussed and evaluated in the first and second Water Resources Policy Dialogues in 2002 and 2005. The Third National Water Resources Policy Dialogue built on the results of the first two dialogues and addressed the three themes identified in the earlier dialogues: Setting a Direction, Working Together Holistically, and Building on Science.

This content-rich CD includes podcasts of all of the keynote speakers, thought leaders, luncheon speakers, and provocateurs. The January 2007 issue of Water Resources IMPACT on "Water Policy: Present & Future" is provided in its entirety. Also included is the After-Action Summary, which incorporates the results of the facilitated discussions and the sub-issue voting as well as copies of letters sent to the President, Governors, and Congressional Leaders summarizing the water resources challenges identified by the attendees.

Here's a sampling of the podcast presentations included on the CD:

The Honorable John Linder, U.S. Congressman, Georgia
The Honorable Earl Blumenauer, U.S. Congressman, Oregon
The Honorable Mike Johanns, Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, DC

Featured Panelists:
Robert M. Hirsch, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, DC
Benjamin H. Grumbles, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC
Arlen Lancaster, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Washington, DC
LTG Carl A. Strock, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC
Ken Stansell, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington DC
Joel Holtrop, U.S. Forest Service, Washington, DC
Michael Buckley, FEMA Mitigation Division, Washington, DC

And many more thought leader and provocateur presentations, too! Listen to what the key policy makers are saying -- Order your copy of the proceedings today!

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2006 Annual Water Resources Conference (Baltimore, 2006)

CD2006, CD-ROM / $56.00 for Members/ $70.00 for Nonmembers / $5 domestic/$9 foreign S&H


The scope of an AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference is traditionally crafted from a general call for abstracts, and the range of topics covered by the submitted abstracts is a good barometer of the water problems considered most pressing to water resources professionals now and into the immediate future. Contained in this CD ROM are abstracts for the more than 240 oral presentations, 45 poster presentations, and five panels.

A strong theme at the 2006 conference was "Collaborative Watershed Management." This management approached solves watershed-based problems through partnerships among interested parties - citizen's groups, government agencies, industry, consultants, and universities. In an era of greater competition for resources, collaboration among interested parties yields efficiencies in addressing watershed-wide issues.

This conference also had many water resources topics of current global significance. Presentations on the impacts of climate change, sustainability of water resources, managing human vs. ecosystem instream flow needs, and watershed and wetland restoration are several of these. Flood and drought management, decision tools for water managers, water law and policy, and GIS modeling tools are all topics receiving substantial attention.

Also addressed at the conference was stormwater management, which continues to be a major concern in any developed area, as flash flooding and reduced infiltration to groundwater caused by the built environment act as perturbations to the water cycle. In addition, sessions on water quality and TMDLs generated some interest as TMDL plans are being developed around the country.

Order your copy today!

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Adaptive Management of Water Resources (Montana, 2006)


CD2006, CD-ROM /ISBN 1-882132-71-8 / TPS-06-2 / $56.00 for Members $70.00 for Non-Members / $5 domestic/$9 foreign S&H


The first conference hosted by AWRA on the topic of Adaptive Management of Water Resources provided the forum for the establishment of a consensus on the definition of adaptive management and the concepts, tools, techniques, and models used in the design and implementation of adaptive management projects and programs. The proceedings include papers (60+) and abstracts (115+) from presenters and panel participants covering a vast array of adaptive management case studies, lessons learned, and challenges facing adaptive management, including the challenge of framing scientifically credible adaptive management projects and programs.

If your work involves this evolving specialty, you'll want to see what other scientists, engineers, researchers, technical practitioners, managers, regulators, policy development and compliance professionals, and water resources conservationists from all levels of government, the private sector, academia, NGOs, stakeholder organizations, and development interests are doing, saying, planning, and finding about adaptive management. Among the many topics covered in these proceedings are:

  • Models & Tools for Adaptive Management
  • Stakeholder Involvement in Adaptive Management
  • Lessons Learned from Multi-Adaptive Management Project Evaluations
  • Riparian Corridors, Watersheds & Wetlands
  • Habitat Conservation Planning of Endangered Aquatic Resources Recovery
  • Riparian Corridor Monitoring Strategies to Support Adaptive Management
  • International Transboundary Applications in Adaptive Management
  • Adaptive Stormwater Management & Adaptive Groundwater Management
  • Uncertainty Assessment & Consensus Building Using Decision Support Systems
  • Water Supply, Drought, & Climate Change
  • Science Supporting Adaptive Management in Forests
  • Infrastructure Operations Including Dams
  • Agency Frameworks & Institutional Arrangements for Adaptive Management
  • Eutrophication Reduction & Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
  • Aquatic Resources Habitat and Flow Needs
  • Water Markets

Also included on the proceedings CD-Rom is the May 2006 issue of Water Resources IMPACT on the topic of Adaptive Management of Water Resources. Order your copy today, and keep abreast of the developments and current research in the growing and changing field of Adaptive Management of Water Resources.

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GIS and Water Resources IV (Houston, 2006)

CD2006, CD-ROM / ISBN 1-882132-70-X TPS-06-01/ $56.00 for Members $70.00 for Non-Members
$5 domestic/$9 foreign S&H



AWRA has hosted a series of specialty conferences that have focused on the many ways that Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have changed the way water resources professionals work. Beginning back in 1993, AWRA's first GIS in Water Resources Conference documented early efforts to apply GIS to water resources studies. The second conference featured water resources pilot studies that demonstrated how GIS technology could be applied to real world problems. The third conference demonstrated how GIS has matured into a powerful set of tools, documenting the breathtaking scope of GIS applications to water resources studies from small basins to nationwide.

GIS in Water Resources IV represents the coming of age of GIS as an essential tool in water resources management. The proceedings include papers from 66 of the presenters, and abstracts from 73. In addition, the March 2006 issue of Water Resources IMPACT on the National Hydrography Dataset is included in its entirety as a resource for GIS professionals. Topics covered in this comprehensive specialty conference include:

  • Arc Hydro, LiDAR, SWAT, ArcGID
  • Flood Plain & Inundation Mapping
  • Land Use Changes & Impacts on Runoff
  • Public Access and Data on the Web
  • Disaster Preparedness & Response
  • Stream Restoration & Aquatic Resources
  • National Hydrography Dataset
  • Case Studies & Implementation

Stay on top of latest developments in GIS, and order your copy of the proceedings of the GIS & Water Resources IV conference today.

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2005 Annual Water Resources Conference (Seattle, 2005)

CD 2005, CD-ROM / ISBN 1-882132-69-6 TPS-05-3 / $56.00 for Members $70.00 for Non-Members / $5 domestic/$9 foreign S&H



Presenters at the Annual Water Resources Conference held in Seattle, Washington in November 2005 collectively showcased the need to ensure that water is available for a variety of purposes, both now and in the future, through means that are equitable and efficient. Presenters highlighted the need for water management and delivery systems that not only accommodate the demands of diverse stakeholders, but also conserve ecological values and other beneficial uses. Issues of water quality, use, conservation, reliability, allocation and deliverability, which are at the heart of our daily water management activities, were superbly treated.

These proceedings include more than 290 abstracts, including more than 80 extended abstracts, on topics like: Stormwater Management, Water Economics, Water Quality, Water Law and Policy, Agricultural Water Use, Fish and Wildlife, Water Allocation, Infrastructure, Climate Change, Water Resources Modeling, Dam Construction and Removal, Everglades Restoration, Hydrology, Watershed Planning, Groundwater Supply, Geographic Information Systems, Drought Management, Wetlands, Wastewater Management, and more. In addition, special panels on The Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Project, Dam Removal and River Restoration, Hydrological Connectivity between Headwater Systems and Downstream Waters, Salmon 2100 Project, and Indian Water Resources Law and Policy.

This CD-Rom contains essential information for water resources professionals. Order yours today!

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2005 Summer Specialty Water Resources Conference (Hawaii, 2005)

CD 2005 CD-ROM / ISBN 1-882132-68-8 TPS-05-2 / $56.00 for Members $70.00 for Non-Members / $5 domestic/$9 foreign S&H


Facing urbanization, pollution, and overuse, many watersheds in the Asia-Pacific as well as the rest of the world are in trouble. Since watersheds support a diverse array of ecosystem components, and provide freshwater from both surface and ground water, sustainable watershed management is essential. Water resource professionals want to know:

  • best management practices to protect and restore watersheds.
  • how to integrate values, ethics, and engineering technology to improve human welfare and promote conservation.

The papers and abstracts included in this CD-ROM address both the social and technical aspects of sustainable watershed management, with a particular emphasis on engineering, economic, and ecological approaches, such as:

  • Stormwater best management practices
  • Groundwater recharge facilities
  • Stream restoration projects
  • Financial arrangements for water resource projects
  • Environmental rules and regulations
  • Water rights
  • Participatory conflict resolution
  • Pricing structures

If you want to up-to-date, practical approaches to help you maintain, restore, or conserve your watershed, these conference proceedings are a must for your library. Order yours today!

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2005 Second National Water Resources Policy Dialogue (Tucson, 2005)

CD 2005, CD-ROM / ISBN 1-882132-60-2 TPS 05-01 / $56.00 for Members $70.00 for Non-Members / $5 domestic - $9 foreign S&H


The rules of the game must change.

That is the conclusion drawn by the 250 water resource experts in attendance at the Second National Water Resources Policy Dialogue, convened in Tucson, Arizona by AWRA in partnership with nine sponsoring federal agencies and 40 co-sponsoring state and local agencies, professional associations, and the private sector in February 2005. Through keynote presentations, panel discussions, leadership insight sessions, facilitated discussion sessions, and presentations by three provocateurs, the attendees considered specific challenges in three key issues: Water Resources Supply and Demand; Infrastructure Management; and Environmental Quality. While the 250 water resources stakeholders who participated in the dialogue did not attempt to reach consensus in their discussions, there were broad areas of agreement about the water policy challenges facing the nation and the general kinds of improvements needed.

Within the United States, water resources conflicts now occur regularly, driven by limited water supplies, droughts, floods, and other natural and man-made events, and exacerbated by aging water delivery, disposal, navigation, storage, and harbor infrastructures. It’s time for change. Our water policies…those ad hoc “rules of the game” that guide water resources development, allocation, and protection…those guiding principles that have served us well in the past...must be brought into sync with contemporary needs.

This CD contains not only the transcripts of keynote presentations, panel discussions, and leadership insight sessions, but also the comments of the “provocateurs”…those people selected to test the assumptions of the experts and stimulate further discussion by the attendees. In addition, you will have access to details describing the Four Key Water Resources Challenges and Two Crosscutting Issues identified by the group, and sent to the President, House Speaker, Senate Majority Leader, other key members of Congress, and all 50 Governors. The letter was sent with a summary of the meeting and requested the formation of a bipartisan Commission to examine the water issues we now face and to propose strategies for dealing with the issues and the conflicts surrounding them.

Stay in the loop, challenge your own ideas, follow the debate…Order your copy of the proceedings today!

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2004 Annual Water Resources Conference (Orlando, 2004)

CD 2004 CD-ROM / ISBN 1-882132-66-1 / $28.00 for Members / $35.00 for Non-Members / $5 domestic - $9 foreign S&H


Interested in the latest, most up-to-date multidisciplinary information on water resources research, management, education, and case studies? These may be found in the Abstract Proceedings of the American Water Resources Association 2004 Annual Conference held in November 2004 in Orlando, FL. This CD-ROM is a “must have” for serious water resource professionals. The Conference included multiple Technical Sessions on such diverse subjects as Water Quality and TMDL’s (26 abstracts); Water Information Management (12 abstracts); Water Policy Planning and Management (16 abstracts); Water Supply Issues (12 abstracts); Riparian and Aquatic Ecosystems (12 abstracts); Hydrology and Watershed Management (12 abstracts); Education and Outreach (8 abstracts); and Economic, Social and Cultural Issues (8 abstracts). Additionally, multiple abstracts address such diverse topics as wetlands; lakes and ponds; Aquifer Storage and Recovery; Conservation Practices, Agricultural Hydrology; Flood Management, Trans-Boundary Issues; Groundwater Quality and Protection, and many other topics. As you can see, the CD contains something for every water resources professional.

Loaded with cutting edge information, the CD includes 159 abstracts from Technical Sessions and 40 abstracts from the Poster Session.

The CD-ROM may be ordered on line or directly from AWRA by phone, fax, or letter. The cost of the CD is $56 for AWRA members and $70 for non-members plus $5 for shipping and handling. Don’t delay – supplies are limited! Please address any questions to AWRA at (540) 687-8390.

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Riparian Ecosystems and Buffers: Multi-Scale Structure, Function, and Management (Olympic Valley, 2004)

CD 2004 CD-ROM / ISBN 1-882132-65-3 TPS 04-2 / $28.00 for Members /$35.00 for Non-Members / $5 domestic - $9 foreign S&H


Over the past 25 years, water resource specialists worldwide have become increasingly aware of the importance of riparian ecosystems in determining the quantity and quality of water in watersheds. Buffer systems, often combined with riparian ecosystems, are of increasing importance for the protection and management of water resources in managed landscapes. Understanding the hydrology and water quality functions of these systems is essential to understanding watersheds regardless of the degree of human influence. This conference is the second AWRA Riparian Specialty Conference. The purpose of this conference was to provide a forum to update people working on riparian zones and buffers with the latest information on research and management of these systems. The publication of 104 papers and abstracts in this proceedings has achieved this goal. We hope this volume is useful as an update on the latest research, technology, and applications on riparian ecosystems and buffer zones.

The Proceedings contains 104 papers that are representative of the papers and posters presented at the Conference. Some presenters chose not to submit papers for publication in the proceedings.

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GIS and Water Resources Conference III (Nashville, 2004)

CD 2004 CD-ROM/ ISBN 1-882132-64-5 TPS 04-1/ $28.00 for Members /$35.00 for Non-Members / $5 domestic - $9 foreign S&H


Proceedings of AWRA's 2004 Spring Specialty Conference now available. Up-to-the-minute case studies and applications of GIS in the field of water resources are now available on CD-ROM! The American Water Resources Association (AWRA) is pleased to announce the availability of the CD-ROM of the Proceedings of our 2004 Spring Specialty Conference GIS and Water Resources III. The Conference, held May 17-19, 2004 in Nashville, Tennessee is the third in an intermittent series of AWRA Conferences on GIS dating from 1993.

The first conference in Mobile, Alabama in 1993 documented early efforts to apply GIS to water resources studies and the second conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in 1996 featured water resource pilot studies that demonstrated how GIS technology could be applied to real world problems. The papers from this conference demonstrate how GIS has matured into a powerful set of tools- they document the breathtaking scope of GIS application to water resource studies from small basins to nationwide.

This Conference included three keynote presentations, 132 platform presentations and 56 poster presentations. The focus of the Conference was on case studies, software applications, and applications of specific programs or models (Digital Elevation Models, LIDAR) to specific problems. Case studies and software applications included hydrologic modeling using GIS; using GIS to preprocess data for models; modeling land use effects on water quality; DEM’s: and such practical applications as streamlining well field mitigation and identifying of areas for ground-water banking. Several sessions dealt with applications of the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD).

The Proceedings contains 63 papers that are representative of the papers and posters presented at the Conference. Some presenters chose not to submit papers for publication in the proceedings.

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2003 Annual Water Resources Conference (San Diego, 2003)

CD 2003 CD-ROM / ISBN 1-882132-63-7 TPS 03-3 / $14 for Members/ $17.50 for Non-Members / $5 domestic - $9 foreign S&H


The Abstract Proceedings of the American Water Resources Association’s 2003 Annual Conference, edited by Donald R. Kendall, is now available. This 4 day conference held November 3-6, 2003 in San Diego, CA included nearly 400 platform and poster presentations on a widely variable, comprehensive and exhaustive set of water resources topics.

The CD ROM, which constitutes a vital resource of cutting edge technology and important new case studies, contains the abstracts of all presentations, both platform and poster; in some cases, they are extended abstracts. The conference featured multiple platform sessions on: TMDLs, ASRs, Regional Water Reuse, Demand Management, Water Management, Impact Assessment of Urbanization, GIS and Remote Sensing, The Colorado River, Meeting Future Water Demand, Drought Management and Conservation, Lakes and Ponds, Stormwater Management and Modeling, Watershed Planning and Management-Case Studies, Riparian and Aquatic Ecosystems, and Education/Outreach/Communication. Other platform sessions included: Source Water Protection, Surface and Groundwater Interactions, Agricultural Hydrology, Wetlands, Desalting Oceans and Groundwater, Non-Point Source Impacts, Cultural Issues, Pathogens in Watersheds, BMP Performance, Runoff Characterization, Water Banking, Climate Change, Hydrological Modeling, and Flood Plain Mapping. Most of these topics were also represented in the Poster Session.

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Watershed Management for Water Supply Systems (New York City, 2003)

CD 2003 CD-ROM / ISBN 1-882132-62-9 TPS 03-2 / $14 for Members/ $17.50 for Non-Members / $5 domestic - $9 foreign S&H


The Abstract Proceedings of the American Water Resources Association’s 2003 Annual Conference, edited by Donald R. Kendall, is now available. This 4 day conference held November 3-6, 2003 in San Diego, CA included nearly 400 platform and poster presentations on a widely variable, comprehensive and exhaustive set of water resources topics.

The CD ROM, which constitutes a vital resource of cutting edge technology and important new case studies, contains the abstracts of all presentations, both platform and poster; in some cases, they are extended abstracts. The conference featured multiple platform sessions on: TMDLs, ASRs, Regional Water Reuse, Demand Management, Water Management, Impact Assessment of Urbanization, GIS and Remote Sensing, The Colorado River, Meeting Future Water Demand, Drought Management and Conservation, Lakes and Ponds, Stormwater Management and Modeling, Watershed Planning and Management-Case Studies, Riparian and Aquatic Ecosystems, and Education/Outreach/Communication. Other platform sessions included: Source Water Protection, Surface and Groundwater Interactions, Agricultural Hydrology, Wetlands, Desalting Oceans and Groundwater, Non-Point Source Impacts, Cultural Issues, Pathogens in Watersheds, BMP Performance, Runoff Characterization, Water Banking, Climate Change, Hydrological Modeling, and Flood Plain Mapping. Most of these topics were also represented in the Poster Session.

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Agricultural Hydrology and Water Quality (Kansas City, 2003)

CD 2003 CD-ROM / ISBN 1-882132-61-0 TPS 03-1/ $14 for Members/ $17.50 for Non-Members / $5 domestic - $9 foreign S&H


The hydrology of agricultural watersheds is very complex. In the United states, many of these watersheds have included intensive crop production systems for at least 50 years and some for much longer. More recently, livestock production systems have become increasingly centralized in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO's) and the public has become concerned about their impact on water quality. Concurrently, intensive cropping systems have been accompanied by increased use of fertilizers to increase yields and pesticides to control diseases and weeds. CAFO's and crop agriculture have been implicated in 60 percent of the river water quality degradation in the U. S. News stories of dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico caused by a combination of pesticides, fertilizers and animal wastes carried to the Gulf by the Mississippi River have intensified the focus on these issues. A broad cross section of society including individual farmers, the agricultural industry, state and federal agencies, and watershed groups have been working to solve many of the identified problems and then to protect, mitigate, and manage the nation's water resources in a holistic fashion. These and other issues and efforts to protect and manage the resource were addressed by AWRA's Spring Specialty Conference, held in Kansas City, Missouri, an ideal location in the breadbasket of the United States.

This CD contains in full paper or abstract form, 128 (or 69 percent) of the 124 oral and 63 poster papers presented at the conference. The conference provided a forum for national and international authors to discuss research, case studies, and policy and educational issues related to agricultural hydrology and the impact on water quality by nutrients, pesticides, bacteria and sediment discharged from agricultural systems, and this is captured on the CD. Author contact information appears on the first page of each paper and will allow interested readers to follow-up directly with the authors. Some of the topics of papers included on the CD are TMDL's and water quality; BMP's for Water Quality Mitigation or Water Resources Protection; Agricultural Hydrology Modeling Applications; Riparian Buffers and Water Quality; Water Quality Management Policy Issues: Pesticide and Nutrient fate and transport; and many aspects of CAFO's.

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Water Resources Policy Dialogue (Washington, D.C., 2002)

CD 2003 CD-ROM / ISBN 1-882132-60-2 TPS 02-5 / $28.00 for Members /$35.00 for Non-Members / $5 domestic - $9 foreign S&H


Our nation faces a water resources crisis. EPA's 2000 assessment of U. S. water quality found that more than 291,000 miles of assessed rivers and streams do not meet water quality standards. The quality of U. S. coastal waters are rated fair to poor and 44% of estuarine areas in the U. S. are impaired for human or aquatic use. The American Society of Civil Engineers 2001 Report Card for America's Infrastructure gave grades of D+ or lower to the conditions of our dams, drinking water systems, wastewater facilities, navigable waterways, and hydropower production capabilities. Annual flood losses continue to worsen in spite of nearly 70 years of federal action and droughts are of recurring concern. Efforts to deal with these and other water issues are hindered by programs that are too narrowly focused and fail to recognize the interrelationship among water uses and water management. Responsibilities for water resources at the federal level are spread between a dozen Congressional committees, numerous federal agencies, and are impacted by a large number of interest groups with specific agendas.

Recognizing these situations, the American Water Resources Association (AWRA) with the support of 10 federal agencies and 25 non-federal agencies involved in water resources research, management, protection, and development, convened in September 2002 the National Water Resources Policy Dialogue, in Washington, DC. More than 260 water resources experts including senior representatives of the Administration, Congress, state and local officials, NGO officials, and development groups, together with concerned private citizens, met for two days to review these challenges and to discuss what Congress and the Administration could do from a policy perspective to address this looming crisis.

The CD contains transcripts of keynote presentations by a senator, a governor and the chairman of the Council of Environmental Quality. It contains presentations by congressmen, federal agency heads, environmental group leaders, notable academics, and development group leaders that enabled AWRA to offer a balanced approach to these issues. The CD also contains an After-Action Summary that provides consensus information on the recommended actions that emerged from the discussions, and several published write-ups about the Dialogue. Finally, it contains a copy of a letter from the Dialogue General Chair and the AWRA President to President Bush, Speaker Hastert, and Majority Leader Frist. The letter includes a meeting summary and recommendations for action by the Administration and Congress.

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