Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA)

Table 3. Short Term Items with Scores of 20

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No. Group Timeframe Score Key Area Criticality Fully Addressed Addressed, Monitoring Addressed, Not Adequately Not Addressed
1 Crosscut     Materials Compatibility          
1.1 Crosscut 20 Embrittlement High     X  
1.2 Crosscut 20 Purity Effects High     X  
1.3 Crosscut 20 Pressure Level High     X  
1.4 Crosscut 20 Temperature Range High     X  
1.6 Crosscut 20 Testing Methods High     X  
1.7 Crosscut 20 Higher Strengths High     X  
7 Pipeline 20 Pipe Design High     X  
8 Pipeline 20 Pipeline Component Design High     X  
9 Pipeline 20 Welding of Steel High     X  
11 Pipeline 20 Construction Requirements High     X  
14 Pipeline     Test Requirements          
14.2 Pipeline 20 Tensile Tests High     X  
14.3 Pipeline 20 KIH and KIC Stress Intensity Factors High     X  
14.4 Pipeline 20 Fatigue Crack Growth High     X  
14.5 Pipeline 20 Burst High     X  
16 Pipeline     Operations          
16.8 Pipeline 20 Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure: Steel and Polyethylene Pipelines High     X  
17 Pipeline     Maintenance          
17.3 Pipeline 20 Transmission Lines: Repair of Leaks, Welds, etc. High     X  
17.9 Pipeline 20 Compressor Stations: Gas Detection High     X  
18 Transport     Hazard and Packaging Class for Hydrides, Cryogas, Physisorption, Reactives          
18.4 Transport 20 Reactive Hydrogen Storage May Be Mixtures High     X  
19 Transport     Emergency Response          
19.2 Transport 20 Emergency Response Information: High Pressure Gas, Composite High     X  
19.3 Transport 20 Emergency Response Information: Cryogenic High     X  
19.4 Transport 20 Emergency Response Information: Metal Hydride High     X  
19.8 Transport 20 Emergency Response Information: Reactive (Including Methanol) High     X  
20 Transport 20 Training High     X  
26 Transport 20 Composite/Novel Media Tube Trailer Specifications High     X  
31 Transport 20 Pressure Relief Devices: High Pressure High     X  
32 Transport 20 Pressure Relief Valves: High Pressure High     X  
33 Transport 20 Valves: High Pressure High     X  
34 Transport 20 Welding High     X  
35 Transport 20 Tubing and Fittings: High Pressure High     X  

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