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2008 Thermoforming Conference
September 20-23
Minneapolis Convention Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota USA

SPE Announces EUROTEC™ 2009 Call for Papers
Submit your abstract today.

Salary results are here
Want to compare your pay to others? Do it right now! See the results of the 2008 salary survey, co-sponsored by Gros Executive Recruiters and the Society of Plastics Engineers. Notable: Quality positions are at the bottom of the list, and who's on top? Executive Managment, followed by Sales.
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Plastics Engineering Magazine


Killer Plastics: Antimicrobial Additives for Polymers
By Alex Jones

The term "microbe" is used as a general description for any bacteria, fungus, mould, or mildew. In one form or another, these microscopic organisms have adapted to their environments and thrive even in the harshest conditions. While the vast majority are harmless, and indeed many are beneficial, there are pathogenic strains that have gained notoriety. The role of biocidal agents is to reduce the "bioburden" in certain environments where, in worst-case scenarios, unchecked microbial growth can lead to food poisoning or potentially fatal infections. The need to reduce the incidence and proliferation of microbes is far-reaching.
Click to read more    (PDF FILE)
From Plastics Engineering magazine, September 2008
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September 25, 2008

Can I Run PLA on My Existing Extruders? A Practical Application Guide
Best of ANTEC™ 2008
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October 1, 2008

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