There is also additional background information for this table group.

Contents for Group

NA:  Not applicable.  										

X:  The measure is undefined (for instance, the percentage of a nonexistent 
B:  The percentage has been suppressed because it is statistically unreliable.  
Percentages are not shown when the denominator is less than 75 thousand.	
Poverty in the United States is measured by comparing family income with one of 
48 poverty thresholds--the dollar amounts used to determine who is poor.  

The poverty thresholds vary by size of family and the ages of the members.  See for further explanation.  		
	1	Universe: All people except unrelated individuals under 
		age 15 (such as foster children).  Since the Current 	
		Population Survey asks income questions only to people age 
		15 and over, if a child under age 15 is not part of a 
		family by birth, marriage, or adoption, we do not know 
		their income and cannot determine whether or not they are 
		Those people are excluded from the totals so as not to 
		affect the percentages.						
	2	People in families: People who are related to the 	
		householder by birth, marriage, or adoption.  People who 
		are related to each other but not to the householder 	
		are counted elsewhere (usually as unrelated subfamilies).  
	3	People in unrelated subfamilies: People who are not 	
		related to the householder, but who are related to each 
		other, either as a married couple or as a parent-child 
		relationship with an unmarried child under 18.  	
	4	Unrelated individuals: People who are not in primary 	
		families (the householder's family) or unrelated 	

	5	Ratio of income to poverty: People and families are 	
		classified as poor if their income is less than their 
		poverty threshold.  If their income is less than
		 half their poverty threshold, they are severely poor 
		(below 50% of poverty); less than the threshold itself, 
		they are poor (below 100% of poverty); less than 1.25 
		times the threshold, below 125% of poverty, and so on.  
		The greater the ratio of income to poverty, the more 	
		people fall under the category, because higher ratios 
		include more people with higher incomes.  

	6	Percentage below x% of poverty: The number below x% of the 
		poverty threshold, divided by the number in  "all income 
		levels,"  then multiplied by 100.  The poverty rate is the 
		percentage below 100% of the poverty threshold.  

	7	Householder's poverty status: The poverty threshold and 
		income were based only on his or her family members, if 
		any were present.  Anyone not related to the householder 
		had no impact on the householder's poverty status. 
	8	Householders living alone: Does not include people in  
		"group quarters " (such as halfway houses or boarding 
		houses) who happen to be living alone.     
	9	People in families with related children: People living in 
		a family where at least one member is a related child--a 
		person under 18 who is related to the householder but is 
		not the householder or spouse.  

	10	Primary families (the householder's family): Excludes 
		people who are not related to the householder.  

	11	In married-couple families the householder may be either 
		the husband or the wife.  

	12	Refers to the race or ethnicity of the householder.  	
		People within the same family may be of different races or 

	13	Families with related children: A family in which at least 
		one member is a related child--a person under 18 who is 
		related to the householder but is not the householder or 

	14	Related children: People under 18 who are related to the 
		householder, but who are not themselves the householder or 
		the householder's spouse.   			

	15	Own children: Sons and daughters, including stepchildren 
		and adopted children, of the householder. 		
	16	Work experience: Refers to the longest job held in the 
		previous calendar year.  The work experience categories 
		are based on the number of weeks worked, and the number of 
		hours worked per week.   			
		Full-time year-round: Worked at least 35 hours per week, 
		for at least 50 weeks last year (including paid sick leave 
		and vacations).   			
		Not full-time year-round: Worked for at least 1 week last 
		year, but for less than 50 weeks, or less than 35 hours 
		per week, or both.   			

	17	Tallies by age and sex include people age 16 and older.  
		Tallies by household relationship only include ages 16 to 
	18	Includes related children ages 16 and 17 and own children 
		18 years and over.			

	19	Standard error: A measure of an estimate's variability.  
		The greater the standard error in relation to the size of 
		the estimate, the less reliable the estimate.  
	20	Mean income deficit: Obtained by adding up the deficits 
		across all poor families, then dividing by the number of 
		poor families.   			
		Mean income surplus: Obtained by adding up the surpluses 
		across all nonpoor families, then dividing by the number 
		of nonpoor families. 			

	21	Median income deficit or surplus:  The median deficit is 
		the dollar amount that divides the number of poor families 
		into two equal groups: one-half of the families have a 
		smaller deficit than the median, and the other half have a 
		greater deficit than the median.  If all poor families 
		were lined up by the size of their income deficit, the 
		median deficit would be in the middle.  Similarly, the 
		median surplus divides nonpoor families into two equal 
	22	Deficit or surplus per capita:  Deficit per capita was 
		obtained by adding up the deficits across all poor 	
		families, then dividing by the number of poor people in 
		those families.  Surplus per capita was obtained in a 
		similar way, but for nonpoor people.   			
	23	Based on the highest grade completed.  Applies only to 
		people age 15 and older.  People under 15 are included in 
		the totals only.							
	24	Natives are defined as people born in the United States, 
		Puerto Rico, or an outlying area of the United States, and 
		those born in a foreign country but who had at least one 
		parent who was a U.S. citizen.  All others are foreign-
		born regardless of date of entry into the United States or 
		citizenship status.  The Current Population Survey, the 
		source of these data, does not extend to Puerto Rico or to 
		the outlying areas of the United States, and thus those 
		living there are excluded from these poverty statistics.   
	25	Enrollment: Attendance or enrollment in a high school, 
		college or university.  Defined only for people ages 16-24 
		who are not serving in the armed forces.  Enrollment or 
		attendance as of the week prior to interview.  People 
		under age 16, people 16 to 24 serving in the armed forces, 
		and people 25 and over are shown in the totals only.  
	26	The averages include householders with and without 	
	27	The averages only include householders with children.  
	28	When assigning poverty thresholds, the number of  "related 
		children" is the number of people in the family under 18, 
		who are related to the family reference person but are not 
		themselves the family reference person or his or her 	
	29	Weighted average poverty thresholds: Some data users want 
		to get a general sense of the  "poverty line," rather than 
		the full detail of all 48 thresholds cross-classified by 
		size of family and number of related children.  These 
		weighted average thresholds provide that summary, but they 
		are not used to compute poverty data.  They are "weighted" 
		averages because within a family size, some child/adult 
		combinations occur more frequently than others.  
		Therefore, the weighted average thresholds take into 
		account how many families each threshold applies to when 
		the Census Bureau computes the number of poor.    	

	30	Totals show the number of people who currently live in 
		census tracts that had poverty rates of 20 percent or more 
		(poverty areas), 30 percent or more, 40 percent or more, 
		and less than 20 percent (outside of poverty areas), 	
		according to the 1990 Census of Population and Housing.    
		Among those people,  "below poverty level" shows the 	
		number and percent who were poor in the current year.   
		Census tract: a small geographic area usually containing 
		2,500 to 8,000 people.   	

	31	Region and division: The four regions of the country are 
		as follows:	
		Northeast:  	New England Division (Maine, New Hampshire, 
				Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, 	
				Middle Atlantic Division (New York, New 
				Jersey, Pennsylvania) 
		Midwest:  	East North Central Division (Ohio, Indiana, 
				Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin) 
				West North Central Division (Minnesota, Iowa, 
				Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, 
				Nebraska, Kansas) 
		South:		South Atlantic Division (Delaware, Maryland, 
				District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, 
				North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, 	
				East South Central Division (Kentucky, 	
				Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi) 
			 	West South Central Division (Arkansas, 	
				Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas) 
		West:	 	Mountain Division (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, 
				Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada) 
			 	Pacific Division (Washington, Oregon, 	
				California, Alaska, Hawaii) 			
	32	Receipt of Assistance: People who lived with someone (a 
		nonrelative or a relative) who received aid.  Not every 
		person tallied here received the aid themselves.	
	33	Earnings below weighted average poverty threshold for a 4-
		person family: Identifies how many people do not earn 
		enough at their job, or if they are self-employed, their 
		farm or business, to keep a family of 4 out of poverty, 
		even when their earnings were combined with their other 
		family members' earnings.   					
		This measure is different from the official poverty 
		measure, which uses all sources of money income (except 
		capital gains), not just earnings, and uses thresholds 
		that vary by family size.  					
	34	A.O.I.C.:   "Alone or in combination" with one or more 
		other races. 							
		New Race Categories:  The 2003 CPS asked respondents to 
		choose one or more races. White alone refers to people who 
		reported White and did not report any other race category. 
		The use of this single-race population does not imply that 
		it is the preferred method of presenting or analyzing 
		data. The Census Bureau uses a variety of approaches.  
		Information on people who reported more than one race, 
		such as "White and American Indian and Alaska Native" or 
		"Asian and Black or African American," is available from 
		Census 2000 through American FactFinder.  About 2.6 
		percent of people reported more than one race in 2000. 
		Black alone refers to people who reported Black and did 
		not report any other race category.				
		Asian alone refers to people who reported Asian and did 
		not report any other race category. 			
Source:  U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2004 Annual Social and Economic Supplement. 										

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Contact: Housing and Household Economic Statistics Information Staff at (301)763-3242
Last revised: July 9, 2004