U.S. Census Bureau
Link to Census 2000 Gateway Census Marketing

Road Tour

On the Road for Census 2000 Road Tour Logo
From February 15, 2000 to April 15, 2000, 12 Road Tour Vehicles (RTVs) set out from 12 locations across the United States promoting the 2000 Census. Each vehicle was equipped with three-dimensional exhibits, videos showing the history of the Census, videos geared for children, printed information, and giveaways such as pencils, hats, lapel pins and buttons. The Road Tour was spreading the message that the 2000 Census was coming and everyone living in the U.S. should be counted. The Road Tour was designed to generate media attention in various markets, from small towns to large cities. Each RTV was a rolling resource that helped our 139,300 Partners and 11,200 Complete Count Committees promote the census. The Road Tour also helped reinforce the advertising messages that were on television, radio, billboards, and in magazines and newspapers.

Who visited the RTV?
Almost 2 million people visited the RTV during its 10 week tour. The RTVs traveled 97,911 miles. That is equivalent to traveling more than 12 times around the earth (the earth measures 7,928 miles at the equator). 1,652 media were in attendance at the 1,948 stops/events/visits. The Road Tour generated approximately 1,700 stories about the Census.

Where Did It Go?
The Road Tour Vehicle was on the 'Today Show' with Katie Couric. The vehicles traveled to festivals, sporting events, schools, libraries, housing projects, and street corners throughout the United States. The RTVs were part of Boston's St. Patrick's Day parade, Macon's Cherry Blossom Parade, San Antonio's Tijuana Music Awards Fan Fair, the Gold Cup Soccer Championship, and the San Diego African American Heritage Festival. The vehicles participated in events at the Rosebud Indian Reservation (also shown on "Today in South Dakota"), an unveiling of the "Census Mural" painted by a University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff student, the Cambodian New Year celebration in Long Beach, and an Interfaith breakfast attended by 1,000 ministers in Chicago. One vehicle visited the FEMA Flood Relief Village in Rocky Mount, North Carolina.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Contact: Census 2000 Publicity Office
Last Revised: April 25, 2003 at 01:17:31 PM