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The Federal Railroad Administration Train passing pines with mountain peaks in the

Table of Contents

Part I
  Executive Summary
  Accident Prevention and Hazard Elimination
  Special Factors
  Conclusion and Recommendations

Part II - 10 Crossings (by state) with the Highest FAPF Values Mitigation Reports Received

Part III - 10 Crossings (by state) with the HIghest FAPF Values Mitigation Reports Not Received

Part IV - Appendices
  Appendix A - Congressional Record - House, September 30, 1999, Page H9114
  Appendix B - Letter to states dated February 18, 2000
  Appendix C - Letter to states dated June 2, 2000
  Appendix D - Proposed Legislation for Mandatory Reporting of Crossing     Inventory
  Appendix E - FY 2001 Allocation Table for Section 130 Program (Note: a state's total Sectin 130 allocation is the                          sum of the first two colums:     Protective Devices and Elimination of Hazards)

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Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590