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Location: Application Technology Research Unit

2006 Annual Report

1.What major problem or issue is being resolved and how are you resolving it (summarize project aims and objectives)? How serious is the problem? Why does it matter?
Environmental quality and protection of the food supply are in the forefront of public concern. Accurate placement of the desired amounts of agrochemicals is important to food producers and allied industries. Better application methods are needed to decrease the use of chemical pesticides and ensure accurate placement. This is under National Program 305, Crop Production.

Several different application techniques are being compared using biological and other qualitative measures of performance. An epi-fluorescence microscopic imaging system is helping provide information about the interaction between spray deposit coverage and management of crop pests. Collaboration with other pest management specialists and industry leaders is helping define application needs of nursery, fruit, and vegetable producers.

2.List by year the currently approved milestones (indicators of research progress)
12-month milestones Objective 1: Conduct greenhouse sprayer evaluations treating poinsettias using three treatments representing commercial type of sprayers for low-volume to high-volume treatment. Evaluate efficacy and foliar deposits. Establish vegetable field trials including efficacy and deposit evaluations Objective 2: Compare off-target spray drift produced by tower sprayers in full canopy orchard. Monitor spray movement and foliar deposits in crabapple nursery study and compare with EPA standards to evaluate experimental technique and needs for label guidelines. Objective 3: Establish experiment to pump insecticidal nematodes through different pump types. Identify insecticidal nematode species most likely to survive passage through commercial pumps. Submit manuscript on pump impact on insecticidal nematode viability. Objective 4: Develop software to automatically evaluate foliar deposits formed by sprays of fluorescent tracers

24-month milestones Objective 1: Measure droplet size spectra of greenhouse applicators. Evaluate fungicide delivery through greenhouse sprayers. Compare sprayer performance in vegetables optimized for plant spacing. Use scanning electron microscope to evaluate spray deposit structure. Submit manuscript on greenhouse sprayer evaluations. Objective 2: Study influence of canopy development on off-target spray movement. Submit manuscript on fate of spray delivered by low-drift and conventional nozzles in commercial crabapple nursery. Objective 3: Develop delivery system to treat harvested sod before shipping and compare treatment of root-zone and top grass area using insecticidal nematodes. Objective 4: Compare deposition patterns and drift using acoustic techniques to sense canopy. Evaluate use of imaging technique to sense moisture patterns on foliage for possible feedback control of delivery devices. Submit manuscript on imaging software.

36-month milestones Objective 1: Study effect of various surfactants on efficacy when delivered through low-volume, small droplet, and high volume, large droplet equipment as well as prototype air-assist sprayer. Submit manuscript on vegetable sprayer evaluations. Objective 2: Study effect of drift adjuvants on drift produced by tower and conventional orchard sprayers. Compare with EPA standards and best management practices Objective 3: Working with commercial lawn care firms, develop delivery system, including possible injection system, to treat residential lawns using insecticidal nematodes. Objective 4: Experiment with prototype photo-detector to sense canopy to which will control delivery of spray material. Submit manuscript on detector development.

48-month milestones Objective 1: Work with commercial applicators to evaluate use patterns of ultra-low, low-, and high-volume greenhouse sprayers. Evaluate venting patterns to minimize spray impact on spray distribution but to quickly clear room for safe re-entry. Objective 2: Use neutral-buoyancy droplets to study airflow patterns produced by internal fans and possibilities for operating them to improve pesticide distribution produced by whole-room fogging devices. Objective 3: Use high-speed imaging to assess insecticidal nematode distribution patterns from commercial nozzle tips. Objective 4: Experiment using imaging techniques to detect conditions that enhance disease development and presence of disease spores. Submit manuscript on influence of using acoustic sensors to control spray delivery.

60-month milestones Objective 1: Study use of air-assisted delivery matched with various droplet sizes to maximize canopy penetration and underleaf coverage. Submit manuscript on use of internal vans and venting systems. Objective 2: Experiment with prototype system to control air flow used to aid in delivery of spray to tree canopies which will adjust volume depending on canopy density. Objective 3: Optimize commercial-type of field sprayer to maximize efficacious delivery of insecticidal nematodes for managing greenhouse and field insect pests. Submit manuscript on delivery systems for sod harvesters and commercial lawn applicators. Objective 4: Use imaging techniques to control spray operation for site specific treatment depending on canopy volume and foliar conditions. Submit manuscript on sensor development for controlling sprayer operation.

4a.List the single most significant research accomplishment during FY 2006.
This program falls within National Program 305, Crop Production and National Program 203, Air Quality. This project is part of and contributes to the Agroengineering, Agrochemical, and related technologies component of the National Program Action Plan.

Ornamental production is threatened by limitations on the available pest management tools by the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA). A cross-flow (CF) fan, tower sprayer and a conventional, axial-fan type of sprayer (AF) were used to treat multiple rows of four year old, multi-stem, red maple trees, and Turkish Filbert trees in a commercial nursery. Besides sprayer type, application rate, travel speed, air-assist fan speed, and fan orientation were evaluated. The test results showed that the conventional axial-fan sprayer produced the highest deposits in the tree row closest to the sprayer. However, there was less variation in spray deposits across canopies for the standard CF treatment and the CF sprayer also produced deposits that covered more of the leaf area than compared to the AF treatment. Nursery managers can use these results to adjust the operation of their sprayers so that they can keep more spray on target which will reduce the total amount of pesticide needed to provide biological control and will reduce time spent making applications to their crops and reduce the environmental impact of operations.

4b.List other significant research accomplishment(s), if any.
Biological organisms run the risk of being damaged during passage through components of conventional sprayers. It is critical to affirm whether or not they can be delivered using standard equipment. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)model approach was proposed as a means of determining the compatibility of different components with entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs). Flow of spray solution through a small, conventional, flat fan nozzle with an elliptical orifice was evaluated using bench-top experiments to determine the viability of EPNs, the nozzle modeled with the CFD programming. An empirical model was developed relating EPN damage as a function of the energy dissipation rate and the empirical model was calibrated for each of the EPN species. In general, the model was able to predict EPN damage within 5% of actual observations. The results from this study show that the CFD approach could be used to identify flow field conditions within various sprayer components that might potentially damage biological organisms which will help manufacturers design systems to safely deliver living organisms and help entomologists understand the potential constraints on using biological pest management agents.

4c.List significant activities that support special target populations.

4d.Progress report.
Delivery of biological pest control organisms: Studies are underway to evaluate the viability of insecticidal nematodes as insect management tools through other components of agricultural sprayers for delivery to the root zone of nursery shrub and tree crops. Laboratory studies found that delivery through such equipment would have little impact on the viability of insecticidal nematodes. A complete delivery system is being studied to determine feasibility of injecting nematodes directly into a high-volume liquid delivery line such as those used on commercial spray equipment. These studies could provide recommendations to manufacturers and lawn protection companies on how to apply nematodes with only minor modifications to existing equipment.

Greenhouse spray delivery: Greenhouse field trials are underway to investigate the effect of spray volume on control of greenhouse whitefly on a mature poinsettia canopy. Preliminary trials indicated that spray volume has a significant influence on efficacy and is independent of sprayer atomization technique which can affect spray distribution on plant surfaces. Droplet size or spray quality also significently affected foliar spray retention. The efficacy trials can be used to establish guidelines for pest management practices that reduce overall chemical input while also reducing risk to worker safety associated with traditional application guidelines.

Spray movement: Field experiments have been conducted to establish information on the potential for spray movement in orchards and shade tree nurseries. Preliminary investigates indicated that the level of canopy develop has a significant affect on downwind spray movement and that tower sprayers can keep material down in the canopy area better than conventional, axial-fan sprayers. These results will be used to establish guidelines for best management practices for mitigating spray drift when treating tree, vine, and bush crops.

Vegetable and Asian soybean rust management practices: Field experiments have been established to evaluate the influence of different application methodologies on the vegetable and soybean pest management practices. This is part of a multi-disciplinary, multi-year effort along with producer collaboration to evaluate the influence that air-assisted delivery, droplet size, and electrostatic charging will have on insect and disease management. Preliminary results indicate that drift management technologies can provide similar control as conventional application equipment when treating bell pepper canopies. Air-assisted delivery provides the best results when treating tall, dense canopies that need spray coverage in the lower sections such as soybeans. The results will be used to optimize production practices and to develop best production strategies managing diseases such as Asian soybean rust for which there are currently no varieties exhibiting resistance.

5.Describe the major accomplishments to date and their predicted or actual impact.
These accomplishments meet the goals prescribed in the Agroengineering, Agrochemical, and Related Technologies component in the National Action Plan for the Crop Production National Program. Specifically these accomplishments address the need to optimize application of crop production materials and mitigated adverse effects on worker safety and health and the environment while maintain a bountiful and safe food supply.

The number of sprayer components that are available in the marketplace make it impossible for producers of insecticidal nematodes to test the viability of their organisms through each component or device. Laboratory trials and computer simulations were conducted to evaluate flow conditions through common types of agricultural nozzles and make recommendations on sprayer components that do not pose a significant risk to biopesticide viability. Four different insecticidal nematode species were tested in the bench-top experiments including Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, H. megidis, Steinemema carposcapsae, and S. glaseri and an empirical model was calibrated for each of the insecticidal nematode species which was shown to be able to predict insecticidal nematode damage within 5% of actual observations. Spray equipment manufacturers and producers of biological agents can use this information to optimize equipment choices to achieve the greatest possible viability of the agents and enhance the success of pest management programs.

Air-assist spraying, electrostatic charged spraying and large droplet applications have shown to be effective in different pest management situations. Efficacy was directly related to spray volume in greenhouse experiments. In vegetable insect and disease management trials, new application methodologies compared favorably with the traditional small droplet application. The studies also found that lower rates of fungicides and insecticides could provide acceptable pest control. These results demonstrate to ornamental and vegetable growers new options they can include in their pest management programs to improve pesticide efficacy, reduce pesticide usage, and improve crop quality and safety.

In collaboration with Ohio State University, experiments were designed to determine if a Volumetric Water Content (VWC) sensor could be successfully used to decide when to irrigate a container grown crop. Results indicated dry matter production increased for the plants identified as VWC targets but water use efficiency (grams of dry matter produced divided by liters of water delivered) decreased. These findings will help nursery growers reduce costs associated with over-watering and associated risks to the environment and water supplies.

There are few research-based recommendations on how to deliver greenhouse pest management materials. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of spray volume and droplet size on insect control. High volume applications provided good control but those applications made with smaller droplets provided the best control. These trials demonstrate to ornamental producers that application methods can influence pesticide efficacy. High volume, small droplet application for greenhouse insect control may also reduce pesticide usage and risks to workers.

An over-bench, greenhouse, watering boom has been modified with sensors to study real-time foliar moisture sensing and spray delivery. This research could produce a relatively low-cost system that could indicate the presence of excess moisture on a leaf surface following a sprayer treatment and aid in delivering targeted sprays for prescription treatments.

On-farm field experiments have been conducted to evaluate means for keeping more spray material within tree canopies using tower-type of spraying concepts. The tower sprayer has been shown to better be able to deliver more material to specific target zones within tree canopies and to reduce the amount of material moving over the top of a tree canopy and away from a treatment area. On-farm research results illustrate to fruit growers and nursery tree stock producers that nozzles and the air flow characteristics can significantly affect the performance of tower sprayers.

Laboratory experiments and computer simulations have been conducted to determine the stresses that insecticidal nematodes would be subjected to when delivered through typical commercial delivery systems. Nematode viability was dependent on the size and host-seeking behavior of the nematodes as well as type of agricultural nozzle they were delivered through. This research demonstrates to equipment manufacturers, nematode suppliers, and pest management specialist methods of insuring the highest possible viability of insecticidal nematodes delivered through typical agricultural sprayers and will make them a more viable pest control option where conventional chemical options are limited or ineffective.

6.What science and/or technologies have been transferred and to whom? When is the science and/or technology likely to become available to the end-user (industry, farmer, other scientists)? What are the constraints, if known, to the adoption and durability of the technology products?
Several invited meetings with extension educators, commercial applicators, and growers have been used as opportunities to transfer information about application technology research. Research information on new, low-drift nozzles and the ability of different spraying techniques to treat the bottom of leaves and to provide better canopy penetration were disseminated through industry publications, at statewide producer meetings, and a national symposium. Presentations were also made at international meetings of colleagues working on vegetable pest management and spray drift related issues.

Many of the ideas and equipment evaluated in these research projects are currently available to growers and custom applicators. One constraint to adoption of this technology is the lack of pest management or efficacy research that includes use of this technology. Label language regarding Best Management Practices and Drift Mitigation may limit the flexibility that producers have to utilize new application technology to its fullest advantage.

7.List your most important publications in the popular press and presentations to organizations and articles written about your work. (NOTE: List your peer reviewed publications below).
Comis, Don. Fine-tuning Nursery and Greenhouse plant care. Agricultural Research. February 2006.

Pocock, John. Rust stop ahead. The Corn and Soybean Digest. December, 2005.

Pocock, John. Optimal application. Apply. December, 2005.

Pocock, John. Rust Patrol. The Corn and Soybean Digest. April 2006.

Reding, M., Zhu, H., Derksen, R. Drip Irrigation as a Delivery System for Imidacloprid and Nematodes for Control of Scarab Grubs in Nursery Crops. Presented at the 2005 National Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. December 14-17, 2005.

Review Publications
Derksen, R.C., Krause, C.R., Fox, R.D., Brazee, R.D., Zondag, R. 2006. The effect of application variables on spray retention, coverage, and ground losses in nursery tree applications. Journal of Environmental Horticulture. 24(1):45-52.

Derksen, R.C., Zhu, H., Ozkan, H.E., Dorrance, A.E., Krause, C.R. 2006. Effects of air-assisted and conventional spray delivery systems on management of soybean diseases. Aspects of Applied Biology 77. International Advances in Pesticide Applications 2006, Robinson College, Cambridge, UK. p. 415-422.

Fife, J.P., Ozkan, H.E., Derksen, R.C., Grewal, P.S. 2006. Using computational fluid dynamics to predict damage of a biological pesticide during passage through a hydraulic nozzle. Biosystems Engineering. 94(3):387-396.

Vitanza, S., Welty, C., Derksen, R.C., Bennett, M., Miller, S. 2006. Effect of plant stand density and pesticide application technology on insect pests and diseases of bell peppers [Abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 5th National IPM Symposium, April 4-6, 2006, St. Louis, MO.


Project Team
Derksen, Richard - Rich
Krause, Charles - Chuck
Altland, James
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2007
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  Crop Production (305)
  Air Quality (203)
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Last Modified: 11/08/2008
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