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Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2007
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OGP Performance By GSA Strategic Goals


Develop new and better ways of conducting business that result in more productive and effective Federal policies and administrative operations.

Program Performance Measure Result
OGP Extent to which policy initiatives achieve improvement targets. Met
OGP Percentage of key policy stakeholders and agency users who rate policy initiatives effective. Met


PERFORMANCE GOAL: Ensure OGP policy initiatives achieve improvement targets.
MEASURE: Extent to which policy initiatives achieve improvement targets.
FY 2004
FY 2005
FY 2006
FY 2007
FY 2007
66% 71% 100% 84% 98%

DESCRIPTION OF THE MEASURE: This measure is a composite of eight component measures that represent the progress of programs and initiatives that comprise OGP’s Performance Portfolio.

DATA SOURCE: For FY 2007, the data sources associated with this measure include: FAIRS; the Regulatory Information Service Center (RISC)/Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) Consolidated Information System (ROCIS); the Financial Systems Integration Office publications and Web site; publication of PIV interface specifications; executive assessments of OGP by the FRPC in regards to the FRPP; and analytical assessments of Business Reference Model (BRM) agencies migrating to approved sales centers under the Federal Asset Sales initiative.

DISCUSSION OF FY 2007 TARGET VS. RESULTS: OGP set a target to achieve an 84 percent rating for this measure for FY 2007. Seven of the eight component measures fulfilled or exceeded their targets. In one case, five of the six business needs (83 percent) required by the FRPC were met. The sixth and final business need for FY 2007 requires OGP to deliver a final FRPP data security plan to the FRPC. However, this is currently delayed and awaiting security requirements to be issued from the FRPC. The 83 percent result for this one component averaged with the six other initiatives in the portfolio which each achieved 100 percent results in a final score of 98 percent.

Component measures that exceeded their FY 2007 target include:

  • 91 percent of PIV interface specifications for major HSPD-12 architecture components were issued, which was 31 percent above target.
  • Nine major agencies are reporting real estate cost saving from telework programs, which was five agencies above target.

All of the 24 BRM agencies are migrating to OMB-approved sales centers under the Federal Asset Sales initiative, which is six agencies above target.


PERFORMANCE GOAL: Ensure OGP policy initiatives are effective.
MEASURE: Percentage of key policy stakeholders and agency users who rate policy initiatives effective.
FY 2004
FY 2005
FY 2006
FY 2007
FY 2007
Not Measured Not Measured 54% 57% 70%

DESCRIPTION OF THE MEASURE: This measure is a survey of how many stakeholders and agency users rate policy initiatives effective.

DATA SOURCE: The data is collected by a third-party contractor via Web surveys and focus group sessions which yield a composite performance rating from OGP’s key policy stakeholders and agency points of contact involved in a specified set of programs and initiatives that comprise OGP’s Performance Portfolio.

DISCUSSION OF FY 2007 TARGET VS. RESULTS: The 2006 overall effectiveness rating was 54 percent, which was a baseline because it represented the first year OGP conducted this type of study. The goal for 2007 was set at 57 percent. For 2007, the average rating across all the programs/policies was 70 percent. This was a significant improvement, up 16 percent, since 2006. OGP was rated highest on keeping users and stakeholders informed about matters that affect GSA, responding in a timely manner to inquiries, and knowledge and expertise. Also, nearly one-half of respondents believe that OGP’s performance has improved over the past year.


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