Official Fish & Wildlife Service Logo U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Mountain Prairie Region (Region 6) Division of Human Resources
flahing text, customer service, ethics, staffing
People - Our Most Important Resource

HR Side Nav 1
Takes you to the HR Home Page
Takes you to the Employee Relations Page
Takes you to the Employee Development Page
Takes you to the Staffing page
Takes you to the Retirement & Benefits page
Takes you to the Training Page
Takes you to the Mentoring Page
Takes you to the Ethics Page
Takes you to the Staff Directory
Takes you to Student Information



Staff Directory


Employee Relations

The Employee Relations branch provides professional services to managers, supervisors, and employees on performance management, disciplinary actions, difficult workplace situations, conflict resolution and guidance, and interpretation of employment regulations, policies, procedures, rules and practices.  The Employee Relations section works to support overall mission of the Human Resources Office. 

Tools for Managers and Supervisors:

Administrative Grievance

Resolving Poor Performance

Discipline & Adverse Action

Performance Based Action