Our diverse REE workforce responds to rapidly changing, multidisciplinary problems and provides leadership throughout the USDA community.

This outcome's focus is to: support and enhance REE's multicultural diversity effort by providing equal employment and career development opportunity and including diverse points of view in the decision-making process. Further, this outcome seeks to facilitate and encourage establishment of multidisciplinary, quick response teams across agency lines.

GOAL 4.1  

AFM leaders and managers make informed decisions that represent diverse perspectives of our multicultural society. 

Objective 4.1.1 Solicit and incorporate diverse points of view from REE customers and the administrative and financial management community in the decision-making process. 
Objective 4.1.2  Increase opportunities for employees to compete for positions at all levels based on their work-related experiences, training, and education. 
Objective 4.1.3  Establish an effective administrative and financial management leadership  
development program that is equally available to our diverse workforce. 
Objective 4.1.4  Fill management vacancies from a pool of qualified candidates who reflect the  
diversity of our society. 
GOAL 4.2  

A more diverse REE workforce is better able to lead and produce world class research, education, and statistics that address the food, health, and environmental needs of the nation. 

Objective 4.2.1 Establish a successful recruitment program for all levels that creates a pool of diverse candidates. 
Objective 4.2.2 Assist selecting officials in implementing alternative, flexible hiring practices. 
Objective 4.2.3 Provide management with options that enable REE employees to gain career broadening experiences throughout the scientific, economic, and educational communities. 
Objective 4.2.4   Develop a comprehensive, coordinated strategy to help managers identify and train future REE leaders. 
Objective 4.2.5  Provide REE leaders with available options and tools that can be used to enhance the quality of work life. 
GOAL 4.3  

Management systems exist that facilitate the use of quick response, multi-disciplinary problem-solving teams that cross agency lines. 

Objective 4.3.1 Provide proactive administrative and financial management services support  
to REE interagency and interdisciplinary teams. 
Objective 4.3.2  Provide options to management so that participation on multi-agency and multidisciplinary teams is encouraged and viewed as career enhancing. 
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Strategic Outcomes, Goals and Objectives
Strategic Outcome 1 
Strategic Outcome 2 
Strategic Outcome 3 
Strategic Outcome 4 
Strategic Outcome 5